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Coming home. Albus Severus Potter was finally coming home. His bag was packed, he had his own clothes on, an owl was sent to Scorpius the day before: nothing was missing. Ambrose had begged him to stay longer, to eat one more meal with him, and he denied. Albus could not even stand to be in the same space as Ambrose any longer, he was getting sicker and sicker every single second he was here.

"Hey, Albus, what happened to me coming with and explaining to lover boy what we did?" Ambrose asked, leaning on the counter behind him.

"I decided against that, because number one, you make me sick, and number two, you did all of that without my consent. You kissed me, you touched me, you did all of that when I said no. So, I can handle this on my own, asshat," Albus spat, hand on the doorknob.

"Wait, Albus," Ambrose said, a hand now reaching out to Albus.

"No, I'm not staying any longer," he said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Albus. I really am truly sorry, and I hope you'll write to me and let me know how your boyfriend is, and your family," Ambrose said, letting his hand fall as Albus showed clear disgust.

"What you did wasn't okay, but I'm willing to forgive you. I just hope you never do this to any young boy like me, with a boyfriend especially. Remember, consent is so important. No means no, and always will. You need to hear them say yes. Assume the answer is no until proven otherwise," Albus said, giving Ambrose a small but true smile.

"Thank you, Albus, and I hope all is well back at home. Safe travels," Ambrose said, shutting the door behind Albus as he walked out. He watched Albus until he could no longer see him. Ambrose already missed him, he missed him dearly.

Albus was practically running, until he was nearly out of breath. He was so desperate to get back to Hogwarts, to see Scorpius, his family...his father. What had Scorpius meant by a change of heart? He hoped that was a good thing. He just hoped he was doing the right thing by coming back right now. Maybe he should have stayed with Ambrose. No, he had to come home. He was back and forth for hours and hours.

Albus had been walking for at least 10 hours, which meant he was about half way there. He was not going to stop, he was not going to sleep until he got back to Scorpius. Seeing that boy's face in his mind is what was keeping him going. He was tired as all could be, he was hungry and thirsty, even though he had food and water. He just wanted to keep going, he just had to keep going.


Albus could see Hogwarts now. He had lost all concept of time, but it was pitch black outside, and the stars were guiding him home, so he knew it had to be late. They were probably all asleep, but nevertheless, he was so fucking excited to be back. He was sprinting to the doors, and when his hand fell to the handle, tears were forming in his eyes. "I'm home," he cried, pulling the door open. The smell of old books, drying paint, and wooden stairs fell over him. The sight of paintings and classroom doors sent a chill down his spine. This was Hogwarts, and he was grateful to be back here. He went straight for the Great Hall, which smelled of their dinner from that night: something delicious. It was all empty, but there was a group, all crowded around something on the table, but he knew when he saw those gleaming silver eyes locked into his that he was truly home.

"Albus!" Scorpius shouted, the tears flowing down and out of his eyes so quickly that there was no hope of stopping them. Albus charged right into his arms, and he melted right in. Oh how he missed their perfect hugs: Albus' head fitting right under Scorpius'. Their tears were wetting each other's shoulders, but they could not care less. They locked their lips, fitting together like the last piece of a puzzle. Albus Potter was so in love with Scorpius Malfoy, and they both could not have been happier in this moment. "Oh, Albus, I missed you so much, I missed you more than anything I have ever missed, I was so lonely, oh I was so lonely, I am so happy you're back," Scorpius rambled with the hugest smile on his face.

"I missed you too, Scorpius, I have missed you so much, I am happy to be home, I dreamed of being back in your arms every day, every fucking day," Albus said, and they kissed once more. The passion and the fire in their hearts was all there, right in this pure moment.

"Well, you have others who missed you too," Scorpius let Albus go reluctantly, and he fell into his mother's arms next, then his siblings (Lily didn't want to let go either), then Draco, and then he stood before his father, who looked beat.

"Albus," Harry mumbled, looking down and then up into his son's eyes. Harry watched as the life drained from Albus' eyes every second they looked at each other.

"Dad," Albus greeted, staring only for a second longer before dropping his eyes. He had a change of heart: what did it mean? Albus did see a guilt resting in his father's eyes which made him look different, more vulnerable.

"We all missed you so much, honey," Ginny said in attempts to break the awkward stare, "We missed you enough to stay up until two in the morning."

"Oh my," Albus gasped, "you all should have gone to bed. I'll still be here tomorrow, promise."

"No, no, we all wanted to see you right when you got back. Scorpius did let us know you were coming back, even though you told him not to," Ginny said. Scorpius shrugged, and Albus rested a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder as if to say 'its all good.'

"I'm going to bed now, I love you so much, Albus," James said, stealing one more hug from Albus before he left, followed by their sister. Ginny left as well, giving her son another hug too.

"I missed you, son," Draco said, patting Albus on the back, and following the rest of the crowd out. That left his boyfriend and his father, two people who would never be in the same room before he left. Something really did change.

"Albus, I have wronged you in so many ways. I broke your heart, I burned the bridge we were trying to rebuild, I shattered a passion that you had, and for that I couldn't be any more sorry. This may seem like just words to you, but it will be so much more, I promise. I am willing to do anything, just anything, to rebuild our relationship. That is my promise to you, Albus. You are my son, and I love you regardless of anything," Harry said, tears welling in his eyes. Albus' stare was still cold, but his heart was beginning to warm. He could see how much his father was trying. Albus could see the hope in Scorpius' eyes, the hope in his fathers; they were both trying. Albus would have never imagined his father and his boyfriend working together.

"I love you too, Dad," Albus said, sobs beginning to fall from him lips. Harry engulfed him in the tightest of hugs, and he never saw himself letting go.

"You mean so much to me, Albus, and hurting you the way I did was so awful, it was so fucking awful," Harry cried, and Albus held on tighter. A month ago, he never would have touched his dad. Now, he never wanted to leave his father's arms. "I grew up in a homophobic house, it's all I knew, and maybe that isn't an excuse, but I am so sorry, still, I am forever sorry."

"He liked my dad, love! He liked Draco, and the Dursley's flipped," Scorpius said, his laugh lightening the mood of the room. Albus pulled away from Harry, hands still resting on his arms.

"Well I'm happy you all didn't end up together, or Scorpius and I would be brothers!" Albus said with a laugh, and Harry smiled.

"Oh, it was just a childhood crush, calm yourselves," Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"Anyways, besides the point, I am willing to rebuild this relationship, Dad. I forgive you now that you are willing to keep an open mind," and they were back in each other's arms again. Harry felt as though he was holding his son together, and if he let go, he would fall apart again. He would be in those pieces he shattered him into.

"Why, Albus, why are you and Scorpius forgiving me so quickly?" Harry asked, leaving the hug once again.

Albus walked over to Scorpius, wrapped an arm around him and looked into his eyes. They both knew the answer, of course: "Because we love each other, and we're family. You apologized for what you did. Yes it hurt, yes it made me leave, but what matters to me, and to Scorpius, is that I am back, I am happy, and you are willing to learn and to grow. To me, the love and care is what matters."

Harry was touched; the tears welling in his eyes were a physical sign of this. The way Albus looked at him with a smile, he never thought this would happen again. Harry thought he didn't deserve this, not at all. Seeing Scorpius and Albus, so happy; they fit like a puzzle. "Thank you, Albus, for coming back."

"I couldn't stay away."

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