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Albus had only been gone for half a week, and it was eating away at Ginny. Every day she would wake up and hope it was just a dream, but she had given up on that once it hit 4 days. She missed her son, she knew her kids missed him, Draco, and especially Scorpius. Ginny made sure to check on that poor by every single day, and it normally ended in Scorpius crying which made Ginny cry which was a vicious cycle of tears. She woke this morning, and it was the only day where crying wasn't the first thing she did. Ginny was able to collect herself, hop out of bed, get dressed, and leave her room, all without crying. Then, she saw Scorpius, sitting in the Great Hall all alone, and she was having flashbacks to just days ago when Albus was there. Scorpius and Albus would be laughing, smiling, poking at each other, they were just two souls in love. Ginny understood why he left, but he was also wondering why Albus didn't ask for Scorpius to come along.

Ginny found herself standing from her seat with Draco, walking over to Scorpius and sitting down across from him. He was shocked at first, but not disappointed. "Scorpius, hey," Ginny said, and he looked up from his plate, forcing his lips into a smile.

Scorpius figured she deserved to see at least one smiling face today, even if it was fake. "Hey, Ginny, I'm alright, if that's what you were coming to ask," Scorpius said, breaking eye contact.

"No, Scorpius, I mean, yes that is why I was here, but...are you really okay?" She asked, the lump beginning to form in his throat.

"Yes, I am. I know I can't bring him back right now and I know that this is what he needs, I can't help but worry about him. There's so much empty land out there, I just can't imagine. Did he take food? Water? A blanket? Clean clothes?" Scorpius rambled, slowing to a stop once he realized his nervousness was showing.

"I'm sure that he's packed the bare necessities," Ginny said. James and Lily had come and sat on either side of Scorpius, so Ginny nodded her goodbye and went back to sit with Draco.

"Hey, guys," Scorpius mumbled, trying to stifle the tears forming in his eyes. James could see right through the façade though.

"Scorpius, you know you can always come to us - to me, whatever you need," James said, resting a hand on Scorpius' shoulder.

"Thank you, James, I appreciate it," Scorpius started, and as he spoke, a letter dropped down on his plate, "Oh! I have to go!" He shouted, snatching the letter. James and Lily smiled their goodbye's as Scorpius ran down to the common room. He tore the letter open:


I got your letter, hooray! I am safe, I am fed, I have fresh clothes! I found a cabin which I am staying at with another runaway with our exact story! How crazy is that? He graduated last year from Hogwarts, and his mother kicked him out. He says that he's had many visitors in and out who have run away from Hogwarts, like me!

But, I miss you a terrible amount too. I've been cold and missing your warmth at night. It has been good for me being away from my father, and I'm still on track with being back in about 3 weeks time, maybe 2 weeks time. I can't believe Draco cried. Give him a hug, just for me. I wish I could hug all of you, I would hate to be seeing you all cry so much. My brother crying seems like a lie to me...but I love him to bits. Hug him for me too. I've cried myself; it was the hardest at the beginning when I could still feel your touch. It has not gotten much easier, but with time, I have just grown to think like this: I will come home to you.

I munched up that chocolate very fast! Send more my way anytime. I love you too, dear Scorpius! I hope you get this soon. I am not very far from Hogwarts so you should get it the next day or two. Smile for me this week!

Love, Albus Potter (yuck)

Scorpius wrote:


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