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After taking the rest of last afternoon to rest, Albus was feeling ready - as ready as he could be - to talk to his father. He urged Scorpius to stay out of it, but he did insist on coming and at least sitting in the background. He wouldn't say a word; he was a physical reminder to Harry that he shouldn't mess with Albus. They rolled out of bed (sadly, not the same one) and dressed themselves, nodding at each other as a sign they were ready to go.

"I feel like we're in a drama television series, Scorp. This is just so fucking much," Albus confessed, his body feeling leaden. Scorpius lended him his hand, squeezing for support.

"I know, it feels like we have to go and talk to everyone on this planet and explain ourselves for something that shouldn't need much of an explanation other than that we love each other," Scorpius said. He felt bad for Albus, for himself and for any other kid in their situation. Nobody should have to hide their feelings; its a crummy way to feel.

"Let's just get it over with, and then just spend the rest of the day together, me and you," Albus offered, and Scorpius nodded to agree. They walked up to Harry's room, staying close but not touching in any way. Too many students and parents were rushing around the hall at this hour, so they would rather play it safe. Upon reaching Harry's door, Albus had tears formed in his eyes. The words his father had spoken to him last were the most nasty things a father could say to his son; Albus couldn't bare to hear it again. Scorpius had picked up on his melancholic mood, wrapping him into a quick but tight hug.

"You can do you want me in the room with you, or would you like me to sit outside the door and just listen in?" Scorpius asked.

"Sit out here, I don't want him to yell at you. Hide around the corner, and once I go in, you can sit outside the door. When I'm about to come out, I'll say, 'Bloody hell,' then you go and hide again, and I'll come out and find you, okay?" Albus said, and Scorpius nodded. It seemed all too extreme for him though, what was the worse Harry could do to him? Yell again? Scorpius could take it, but he was going to do what made Albus comfortable. So, he ran around the corner as Albus knocked on the door.

"Come in," Harry called quite calmly, obviously not knowing it was Albus. When he saw his son, he gasped slightly. Albus wiped a quick tear that fell from his eyes; he couldn't show any weakness.

"Why did you tell Draco I was gay, Dad? I know you fucking hate me, you hate my guts, you hate who I am now, but why tell Draco? Just, why?" Albus cut right to the chase, he wasn't here to lolly gag. Harry had just calmed down, but was back to fuming again.

"He deserved to know, you told me so I figured-"

"I told you, Dad? Or, did you fucking yell at me until I crumbled so that I was forced to tell you so you would stop yelling? Did you hold me by my wrist until it was bruised so I couldn't chase after Scorpius to make sure he was okay after you yelled at him? For fucks sake Dad, you yelled at him and you scared him too! You can do that to me all you want to but no fucking way you can do that to him," Albus spat, keeping a safe distance from Harry in fear of what he would do to him.

"You brought this on yourself, Albus. You chose to be gay!" Harry fired back, stepping closer to his son. Albus backed up, but Harry grabbed his already bruised wrist. Albus winced, earning Scorpius' attention from outside. He wanted to go in and help, but Albus said to stay out here.

"I didn't choose this! Would I choose for you to be hurting me, yelling at me, having to hide my relationship from the school? Would I choose this?" Albus cried, too weak to wiggle away from his father's grasp. Harry's free hand was trembling, his anger was overcoming him, and he brought his hand up as though to smack Albus...

Scorpius was on his feet, twisting the door knob open and barging in. It wasn't a pretty picture in front of him; Albus was on the floor, a red mark on his cheek, and Harry with a trembling hand, opposite to the red cheek on Albus. "What the hell is going on in here?" The calm aura Scorpius normally had was well out the window. He was now fuming like them.

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