How am I... falling?
Why am I falling?I thought I was on top
I thought I ran the world
That the sun, the sea, the sky
Were for my enjoyment
That the planets
Orbited meI was wrong
There is so much more
To life
Than myselfThe flowers, the trees, the meadows
Covered in bees and butterfliesEach with their own purpose
ImportanceI may be important
But I'm a bee
In a garden of flowers

Spilled Tea
PoetryPoetry written on the daily life of a teenage girl. Feb. 23, 2019 - #2 in #welding Feb. 25, 2019 - #1 in #welding April 8, 2019 - #207 in #afraid April 15, 2019 - #192 in #alone June 17, 2019 - #84 in #growingup June 17, 2019 - #94 in #goodbye June...