Nothing more than space between your ears
Your disguise
Changing your nose, your lips, your eyes
Yet, your breath still stinks
Of the starchy scent of your liesNothing more than plastic
An imposterNo flavour, no life, no taste
Yet not easily replacedYou thought, you held a part of me
But there is a heart in meAnd there is no need to replace
A toy you've out grown

Spilled Tea
PuisiPoetry written on the daily life of a teenage girl. Feb. 23, 2019 - #2 in #welding Feb. 25, 2019 - #1 in #welding April 8, 2019 - #207 in #afraid April 15, 2019 - #192 in #alone June 17, 2019 - #84 in #growingup June 17, 2019 - #94 in #goodbye June...