Characters Features

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The Basics:

Born Name: Hope A. Lansdowne

Birth: September 24th 1993, Whitetail Mountains, Hope County, United States


US Army, 101st Airborne division (formerly)

Lansdowne Aviation, Owner/Operator

Resistance (primally Whitetail Militia)

Resistance (primally Whitetail Militia)

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Hope is a young woman of small stature (5'5") possessing long back-length summer blonde hair usually worn loose or pulled up in a braid and a scarred pale face. The scar on her face is pale. Light freckles close her nose and icy blue eyes.

She's erratic, sometimes wilful, on the other hand protective, empathetic and friendly. She is extremely loyal, strongly believes in trust, honesty and loyalty and when she gives her word to someone, she will keep it. Only breaks the deals when she grasps she was lied to. Hope is known for speaking her mind and having a fierce temper which she inbred from her father though her older brother is capable of controlling it. In spite of this she's independent, she is skilled (weaponry, aircraft, can disassemble and reassemble an engine of car, plane, boat due to being mechanic and pilot during her service).

The relationship between her and John started rocky. Initially, the relationship between them was originally that of a warden and prisoner, though, they eventually gained a mutual understanding for each other. But Hope has difficulty accepting feelings. It is clear they feel an attraction towards each other, however due to some factors, she doesn't act upon them. She sympathizes with the Baptist after he bares parts of his past, but after regaining the situation he demonstrated at residents of Holland valley, primarily her best friend Mary May, she feels rage towards him and the terms of their relationship is very strained after she threatens him.

The Basics:

Born Name: Marcus A. Lansdowne

Birth: February 2nd 1987, Whitetail Mountains, Hope County, United States


US Army (army marksman (formerly)

Old Sun Outfitters, Owner

Project of Eden's gate (Head of Stone Ridge Chalet)

Project of Eden's gate (Head of Stone Ridge Chalet)

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Marcus is marked by his dark brown hair and same piercing blue eyes as his sister and chiselled defined facial features. He is very tall (6'2") with a lean and toned physique. There's birthmark near his left eye, distinctive feature inherited from his grandfather.

He has admitted his baby sister is a master of her craft, despite her mischievous tendencies. Marcus is much more calm, composed, and strategic than Hope. Demonstrates an open-minded and optimistic personality. His penchant for strategies and forming contingencies way ahead of time of his enemy, approved by his superior more than one occasion.

The Basics:

Born Name: Simon M. Hughes

Birth: June 27th 1989, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States


Hope County Sheriff's Department



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Simon is fetching young man of average height, with short jet-black hair, dark eyes, light olive skin, a solid jaw line. Presents a devil may care attitude in his appearance and is always seen with a cocky smirk, much like his colleague, Stacy Pratt.

Simon is a charismatic newcomer with positive, quirky and upbeat personality. Also shows he is loyal and would never abandon those important to him. He is also shown to have a vengeance streak as seen when Faith took Sheriff into her burrow and rest of the cougars left in dust. Despite being smack in the middle of holly war and all the anarchy in the county, Simon displays considerable determination to continue his role as officer.

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