Chapter 3.

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"So, she'll need to come back on Monday for some follow up tests, just to make sure everything is running smoothly. She's going to have some difficulties walking and moving around at first because she hasn't been mobile in three years." The doctor tells Jeff, Noah and I outside of Kacey's hospital room. "She's been walking around the hospital with the assistance of the nurses, but just make sure you keep an eye on her. To help with her memory, bring her to some places she spent a lot of her time, maybe the book store, home obviously, wherever. It'll help simulate parts of her brain, and hopefully trigger those memories that she's lost. She's going to be exhausted, but she's recovering, and if anything seems wrong or doesn't feel right, you bring her back here immediately. She remembers her name, her birthday and that she has a brother and father around, and that her mother has passed. That's good news, and shows that she is regaining her memories."

I nod, accepting the information from the doctor. I'm happy to know that she's remembering something, even if it doesn't involve me. "We'll see you Friday, Doc." Jeff tells the doctor before patting his shoulder and watching him walk away. Jeff looks back to Noah and myself before taking a deep breath, "How'd you get here?" he asks me.

"I brought the truck just in case, but if you guys want to drive her, that's fine too." I tell her brother and father. Noah shakes his head.

"She remembers us, she doesn't remember you. You should drive her home and spend the night with her." Noah tells me sincerely, "I'm sure she needs it." I nod, surprised that Noah would offer up time with his sister like that. "I'll pick her up sometime this weekend and bring her to the shop and maybe that'll help with something. If anything, it'll keep her busy. I'm sure she hates laying around and doing nothing, she's already been complaining about being bored." He says with a small laugh.

Jeff nods, "Sounds like a plan. Jax, do you have any time off from the club, or should we come by and keep an eye out for her?"

I nod, "I told the guys to call Chibs if they need anything. I need to be home right now with Kacey and the kids. My mom is taking the kids tonight so that Kacey and settle in at home and then we'll bring them over tomorrow and she can see mom."

Jeff nods and gives my shoulder a squeeze before opening the hospital room door. We follow him inside and he walks over to Kacey, kissing the top of her head. "Alright, baby, you can get out of here now." He tells his daughter, brushing a piece of her hair behind her ear.

Kacey smiles, "Thank god." She says with a small laugh, "Can you help me out, Daddy?" she asks as she extends her hand. Jeff nods and helps his weak daughter out of the hospital bed. My heart drops when I notice how frail and tiny she is now. She still has her curves, but not in the same way she used to.

"Here, Ace, we brought you some clothes to change into." Noah tells his sister as he grabs the bag and sets it on the bed before pulling out the pair of leggings, underwear, baggy t-shirt and sweater. Kacey smiles over to Noah and thanks him before looking over to me.

"Do you mind giving us a minute?" She asks Noah and Jeff. They both nod and I walk over to the woman as they leave the room.

"Do you need help changing?" I ask her and she nods. I hold her at the waist and reach for the pair of underwear and leggings, helping her step into them and the leggings. "You good if I untie this now?" Kacey nods once more, and I hold her closely to me with one hand while I use the other to untie her hospital gown. It falls forward and I reach for the t-shirt, pulling it over her. Kacey grabs the sweater and puts it on before taking a seat on the bed, reaching for the pair of Converse Noah brought her. She goes to put them on and I shake my head, taking the shoes from her. "Let me."

Kacey watches me and I notice her stare. I look up at the woman and raise an eyebrow. Kacey's eyes are soft and warm, they're comforting. "You really love me, don't you?"

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