f o u r

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I walked down the hallway. Tears welling in my eyes. I wiped them with the back of my hand. I bumped in Havoc.

"Sorry," i mumbled keeping my head down.

"Hey hey hey, kid." He grabbed my arm, I kept my head low. He murmurs something to himself and pulled me into a room. "What's wrong?"

I stood still for a second. I looked down at Baxter. I took a deep breathe.

"I just. I...it's nothing."

"No, talk to me. Get it out." I looked up at Havoc. His eyes were gentle and kind. I took a few steps back. Havoc only grabbed me and brought me close again, pulling me into a hug. "Okay okay. If you don't want to talk at least let me give you a hug." I squeezed my eyes tight as I began to sob into his shoulder.


I walked down the steps and instead of heading home I headed to the library.

I swung open the doors and hollered.

"Hey Sheska! Just me again. Have those Elric boys come back?"

"Yes they're here right now!" I froze, and then I groaned. I didn't say anything I just headed for the history section.

"I left my astronomy book at the apartment. I'll bring it back tomorrow." I didn't get a response. I looked through the shelves on war and found one Ishval war and pulled it out. Flipping through the pages. I tucked it under my arm and kept walking.

"Are you interested in history or war or both?" I turned and faced Edward.

"Why's that matter to you?"

"Listen I know I didn't leave a good first impression. I'm sorry. Everyone just always assumes Al is the state alchemist. I just-"

"Assumed i was like everyone else?" I snapped. His eyes looked up and met mine. His eyes and body shifted. He turned his head to the side and he scratched his head.

"I'm sorry. Can we start over?"

"Okay," I nodded softly.

He cleared his throat.

"Edward Elric. FullMetal Alchemist."


"You have a last name?"

"Nope." He was taken a back a little bit but nodded in response. I turned my attention back to the books. I mumbled a few things and came across a book on alchemy. I quickly grabbed it. I'd never seen this book before. I flipped threw it and put it under my arm.

"You a book worm or something."

"Yes," I said as I walked past him over to Sheska's counter.

"I want these two." She looked at me.

"You have one checked out."

"I know! I'll bring it back tomorrow I'll probably be done with these tomorrow too!"

"Those are thick though," I turned around and Edward had followed me over to the counter.

"You have to bring the other back you know that's the rule."

"Sheska no offense but I'm really the only one that comes in here. And you know I'll bring it back."

She grabbed the books and checked them out as I have a victory "yes".

"See you tomorrow!" She called as I walked out.

"Yes you will!"

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