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When I walked into the apartment I was immediately greeted my Riza, bombarded with questions on where I'd been all day and why I never told anyone where I was.

I just stood there, taking in all her rambling and questions and the lecturing. I looked over her shoulder and noticed Roy sitting on our couch watching us. My attention returned to Riza.

She was like a worried mother and it scratched at my heart. And for a second I felt like crying. But the feeling went away. I don't personally feel like I'm their daughter right now. Sometimes I do but sometimes I don't, although they say I am. It's weird because I know they aren't my biological parents, and I know my biological parents didn't want me.

I was lost in my thoughts as Riza kept asking me where I was, I finally snapped out of it.

"I was with the Elric brothers," I said in a sharp soft tone. Riza stood up right and I saw Roy flinch. Baxter came to my feet and rubbed against my legs like a cat, I crouched down scratching his tummy as he flipped on his back. "Has he been taken out today?" I asked looking up at her. She gave a quick nod although her expression didn't change.

I stood up, "I'm gonna take a shower," I said, walking down the hall and into my room.

Maybe if I told them I knew about them it would be easier. He could finally move out of that apartment he lives in and move in with us. It would take the stress off of them and they could be happier together. If they're suppose to be my new parents shouldn't they live like it.

I sighed. Hurried my shower and got out. Slipping sweats on and going back into the living room where they were talking again. Both looked up at me.

"I know about you guys," I blurted out. I mentally slapped myself.

"What?" Roy asked.

"What do you mean?" Riza stood up.

"I know about you two," I said again, "So you don't have to hide it from me anymore."

Riza sighed and sat down again, putting her head in her hands.

"I'm sorry," Riza mumbled. "I'm really sorry," she began to cry.

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