Chapter 2: Enemies

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Here's the next chapter as promised.

Over on the right is Ian Somerhalder who I think looks like Daman Thornes. Just imagine his eyes are black like in the book cover. How hot is this photo though! *Fanning my face*



Chapter 2: Enemies

I arrived at the hell hole known as Adam and Eve’s house after school to the sound of classical music blaring out of the radio in the kitchen.

“Hey Eve, what’s for tea tonight?” I asked building up to my grand finale.

She eyed me like she suspected I was up to something so I put on my best clueless and innocent face.

“Beef stew with dumplings and mashed potato, then for dessert we’re having strawberry cheesecake. Why?”

“Oh, no reason, I was just wondering.” I replied acting like I couldn’t care less.

“Yes, well, I don’t see you lifting a hand to help me.”

“Yeah, you see I really wish I could except I have homework, so…and you always say that schoolwork is the most important part of my life right now.”

She narrowed her eyes once more before turning her attention back to the stove ‘dismissing’ me.

“Eve,” I paused, as she slowly cast her slit like eyes on me again. “Can I go to the park this evening?” I blurted it out before I could chicken out.

“I knew you wanted something, youths you’re all the same…” Her eyes glinted as she had an idea. “But you said you have homework to do.”

She thought she’d cornered me but I was ready for that one.

“I’ll do all of it first obviously.”

Eve’s cheeks puffed up and she flushed bright red as she boomed, “YOU’RE GROUNDED!”

I let my mouth drop open as if I was totally upset and like she’d just blown apart my dreams.

I had been totally praying that Eve had been in one of her happy moods today, but apparently not.

I twisted around and stomped down the hallway, up the stairs and into my bedroom, where I slammed the door as hard as I could manage.

I flung my backpack onto the floor and dug out the before mentioned homework, before tossing it onto my desk and plonking myself down on the rickety old chair in front of it.

I grabbed a pen out of the pot I kept conveniently located on my desk for such purposes, and began solving quadratic equations whilst fuming inside.


I had finished my dinner one hour ago, and it was now half past eight, I had completed all my homework earlier and now had nothing to occupy my time.

I tried reading some more of the Bible but I couldn’t manage to sit still; I was restless.

The sky outside my window was already dark (because it was winter) with stars glittering, glistening and glimmering against the backdrop. The moon wasn’t visible from the window but I knew that tonight it would be full.

I knew what I wanted to do, and out of the blue inspiration struck.

Below my window of the house is the conservatory (because my room is at the back of the house), so I ended up practically vaulting out my window and making a massive thud on the conservatory roof.

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