Chapter 12: Nightmare

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Chapter 12: Nightmare

The guards surrounded me, with more arriving every second because someone had apparently called for back-up.

It appeared things couldn’t possibly get any worse until Righteous Warriors also started entering the circle surrounding me.

Even with my super powers there was no way I could take all these people on, I wouldn’t last two minutes.

I knew that if I stood any chance of escape I had to make my move soon, otherwise I would shortly find the decision made for me.

In my peripheral vision I saw a news van race down the road and then sharply brake, a woman and a man with a camera shot of the door.

Great, my audience had arrived.

It took only two seconds for the man to flip the camera on and the woman to start reporting away.

“Give yourself up, Miss McKenzie! You’re outnumbered one to twenty-six, and that number is rapidly increasing with every second!” One of the men yelled at me.

My highly sensitive ears picked out the man who had raised his voice at me.

“That’s not my name.” I called back.

He and some of his fellow workmates scoffed at me.

“Of course it’s not.” He answered.

I took a deep breath and looked him square in the eyes as I replied, “Actually, it’s not. My name is Almira Thornes.”

As I said it, the words felt right and I was filled with a sense of calm that allowed my mind to think clearer.

Even if Daman and I would never marry we still belonged to each other absolutely.

My foot knocked a stray stone lying on the road and a plan formed in my mind.

Firstly, I discarded the polythene bag hanging from my wrist with the stolen goodies. I would just have to go hungry if I wanted to survive this.

I slowly bent done and picked it up, whilst the guards drew loaded guns and pointed them at me.

“Put your hands up!” The Righteous Warrior in charge bellowed.

I raised my hand, keeping my forefinger and thumb firmly wrapped around the stone.

Then like lightning, I spun, throwing the rock at a guard.

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