Chapter 9: Change

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Chapter 9: Change

I awoke to the sound of a gasp. And the memory of the last time I had heard a gasp jolted me into consciousness.

But my pulse calmed when I realised it was just Daman…but I then comprehended that he was gawping at me with his eyes round and wide.

I felt self-conscious all over again.

I glanced down at myself and struggled for breath as I saw what Daman was gaping at.

My skin had turned a chalky, pale colour, no longer the russet tan it used to be.

Then my hair flopped in front of my eyes and I had another sharp intake of breath, it was ebony black.

“What? How? When? Why? Daman?” I spluttered incomprehensibly.

He closed the space between us and stroked my hair, like he was making sure it was real, that he wasn’t just imagining it.

“Ally…your eyes…they’re stark black too.”

My eyes?

I was just like Daman. Black hair and eyes, with the divergent paper white skin.

But how?

I searched for the answer in Daman’s eyes, and he seemed to know…or at least have a theory.

He seemed to apprehend the fact that I was wordlessly seeking the answer from him.

“Almira…I would only be guessing the answer…I can’t guarantee anything…” My mute reply seemed to get across the message that I wanted it too, that I wished to know anyway, because he continued. “Well I think your…change of appearance, could be to do with your…fraternizing with me. That our…connection has permanently altered you, both mentally…and physically.”

At first I was about to scoff at Daman’s idea, it seemed so much like it was a fantasy/romance film sort of scenario.

But the more I thought about it, the more I appreciated the fact that it was like I was living in a film of my own anyway, before I would have never considered that the Antichrist was living and breathing in the world.

Plus, it actually made sense that the Prince of Darkness had had a permanent effect on me…that I could never be the old Abele McKenzie now, not even if I wanted too.

Maybe some people in my position would have mourned the loss of their innocent, pure and good side, but I was almost grateful.

I didn’t have to pretend to be someone else, or hide behind a façade anymore.

Daman took my hush as regret and sorrow.

He held both my hands in his, and it felt like he was staring into my very soul.

“Baby, it’s not too late to amend your choice.” I could see how much the words were hurting him, but I couldn’t bring myself to speak. “It’s not too late to start a new life in another country. To make a new identity for yourself. I-I wouldn’t hold it against you if you decided…if you decided that’s what you want to do. You never have to see me again.”

His words shocked me to my very core. Did Daman want me to leave? I didn’t know…didn’t think I could live without him now.

I slipped one of my hands out from under his and positioned it adjacent to his cheek.

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