At the Compound, Hayley vamp-sped into the room and shoved Freya into the nearby column, instantly knocking her out while Ophelia followed in soon after. And unlike Hayley, who looked furious, Ophelia held no emotion in the expression on her face.
Jackson looked up at the duo in surprise, but then became even more concerned when he realized that they were covered in blood, especially Ophelia, who seemed to be drenched in it from head to toe.
"Where the hell is that bastard?" Hayley asked Jackson angrily, growling under her breath.
Jackson was gaping worriedly at Hayley as she stood in front of him and did it even more as Ophelia walked over to stand beside her, "Ophelia, what happened?" He asked his wife concerned, noticing the looks on both women's faces.
Suddenly, Klaus entered the room and greeted Hayley, "Hayley," He greeted the mother of his child smugly, "Come to apologize for all your transgressions?"
At the sound of his voice, Hayley turned to face Klaus, "I've seen you've brought Ophelia back home with you," He paused, smirking at Hayley, "Good. I was starting to worry."
Angered, Hayley began to rush toward Klaus aggressively, "Do you have any idea what you have taken from me?" She growled, throwing a punch at him, which he quickly dodged before grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back.
Hayley screamed out in pain before she broke out of his hold easily by kicking him backward in the gut. She spun and roundhouse-kicked him in the face.
Jackson, who was furious at Klaus and the at the fact that Ophelia seemed to be just standing there, twisted the chains around his wrists to try to break free.
"The very thing you sought to take from me--the chance to raise our daughter," Klaus told Hayley, walking closer to her, "Your punishment fits your crime."
"Your family was ruining her life!" Hayley screamed at Klaus, "Just like it ruined Ophelia!"
Klaus, angered at the fact that Hayley had mentioned both Ophelia and Hope in a negative way, vamp-sped toward Hayley and pinned her in a choke-hold against a nearby table, causing her to gasp for breath, "My family saved their lives while you were off playing hide-and-seek in the forest!"
Jackson, his yellow eyes flashing, broke one of the chains binding him to the wall, just as Freya started to stir awake after being knocked out by Hayley just moments before.
Hayley headbutted Klaus in the face, causing his nose to bleed. Finally snapping out of whatever trance-like state she was, Ophelia glanced at Klaus and Hayley before rushing over to Jackson. She helped her husband break the other chain, completely freeing him.
Realizing that it was about to get ugly if Jackson and Ophelia took part in the fight as well, Freya casted a spell to keep them unable to intervene, "Let us go! He'll kill her!" Jackson pleaded, wanting to help the woman who became known as one of his closest friends after marrying Ophelia.
"He'll kill you and punish Ophelia while doing so," Freya frantically told him, using her magic to hold them back.
"There's a very short list of people who've tried to take Hope away from me, and you're the only one left breathing," Klaus shouted at Hayley angrily.
"Are you that delusional, Klaus?" Hayley raised her voice to him, clearly enraged, "You cursed all of us! You even tried to curse Ophelia, the woman you 'supposedly' love. Every wolf that she and I fought for, everyone that stood up for our daughter. You took all of them away from their families!"
"Yes, yes, Ophelia's precious pack, that family you chose over us while Ophelia chose us, and in doing so, you chose over Hope!" Klaus shouted, pointing up to the second floor where Hope was upstairs in the study, sleeping in the playpen.

Guilt ▻ The Originals [3]
FanfictionIn which Ophelia Rose is pregnant and almost an entirely different person after what she's been through and tries with everything in her power to keep the feelings for the man who isn't her husband hidden away. Season Three - The Originals