After Cami arrived at the Mikaelson Compound, revealing to be bitten, the blonde vampire sat on the sofa, looking around wearily. Freya and Klaus were near the doorway talking quietly while Hayley and Ophelia stood near Cami, "Cami, Cami?" Hayley called out to Cami, who took a moment before turning to her and Ophelia, "Cami, hey. Are you alright?"Hayley walked towards her and sat on the sofa opposite to her while Ophelia continued to stand, "Yeah. Considering." She responded in a somewhat calm tone.
Klaus turned around from Freya, carrying a cloth and an open jar, Freya following behind him. He handed it to Ophelia, who grabbed it from his hands before sitting on the couch next to her, "Hold still. I'm warning you, this is going to burn like a bitch." She warned Cami, taking her arm with one hand and pressing the cloth to her bite with the other.
Cami gasped in pain immediately after the substance on the cloth began to irritate the bite, "Ow, ow, what is that?" She asked in concerned, wincing at the pain.
"It's a healing salve," Freya informed Cami as she walked closer to her, "Motherwort, white willow bark, the recipe's over a thousand years old."
"So the good stuff, huh?" Cami questioned curiously.
"It will ease the pain, dull the symptoms, but it won't stop the infection," Freya explained, causing Cami to sigh.
"So I'm screwed?" She asked Freya quietly, looking directly at Freya.
"We're gonna do everything that we can, Cami." Hayley assured Cami in a calm tone.
Just then, Elijah walked into the room followed by Vincent, "To that end, a little assistance." He announced to the group.
"Cami, I'm so sorry," Vincent told his friend apologetically, looking deeply saddened
"You should be, this is your fault. It was you who turned Lucien into a beast," Klaus growled, beginning to advance on Vincent.
Quickly, Ophelia stood up from the sofa, using her vampire speed, to step in front of Klaus before he could get the Vincent, "Klaus, stop. It's not his fault." Cami demanded, not wanting Klaus to hurt her friend.
"Cami's right," Hayley spoke up, causing Klaus to turn to her, "We all need to work together to fix this."
"Yeah, yeah, I think I know how to fix it," Klaus spoke up, coming to a realization, "Lucien has always been obsessed with me, he made himself like me, my bite is cured by my blood."
"So, you think his blood can save her?" Ophelia asked Klaus curiously, raising a brow at him.
"It makes sense," Elijah spoke up, agreeing with Klaus, "Lucien would want that power."
"Allowing him to Lord himself over his victims." Klaus nodded, continuing on for Elijah.
"Okay, so we got a working theory, now we gotta test it," Vincent told the group in a confident tone.
"Lucien's blood is all over my apartment, I sliced him all to hell before I ran," Cami informed the group and Ophelia immediately knew she must have used one of her dark objects.
"Okay, I got this one, Lucien's got no reason to be on the lookout for me," Vincent told before leaving without another word said.
"Maybe we hedge our bets," Hayley proposed, "Hope is a Mikaelson witch who carries the wolf gene, we already know that she's got healing powers."
"It's worth a try," Freya replied, nodding her head in encouragement.
"I'll tell Mary that I'm coming," Hayley told them before leaving with Elijah following soon after.

Guilt ▻ The Originals [3]
FanfictionIn which Ophelia Rose is pregnant and almost an entirely different person after what she's been through and tries with everything in her power to keep the feelings for the man who isn't her husband hidden away. Season Three - The Originals