Meanwhile, inside the Davilla Estate, once seeing that Aya and the rest of the Strix were distracted by Rayna Cruz, who had just arrived, Ophelia and Hayley hesitantly walked into the pool room, where Davina, Cynthia, and the other Sisters' were still performing the spell.
The two females were horrified when they saw Klaus and Elijah floating in the pool filled with their own blood, but the witches all had their eyes closed and didn't immediately notice them.
When one of the Strix vampires saw her, Ophelia sped toward him and ripped their heart out without hesitation.
Unfortunately, his grunts of pain and the sound of him falling to the floor caught the other's attention. Marcel, looking panicked, vamp-sped over and snapped the neck of another Strix guard while Ophelia used her magic on the other.
Davina looked at him with a look that said she was feeling extremely betrayed, "Marcel!"
Marcel turned to look at her and gave her an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, D." He paused, turning to point to Hayley and Ophelia, "We need to get them out of that water now."
Hayley nodded in agreement, but Davina looked furious as she thrust her hand toward them, just as the Sisters all did the same, "No!" She screamed out.
Seconds later, Ophelia, Marcel, and Hayley were thrown backward toward the far wall, incapacitating the three of them long enough to return to the spell.
As Elijah woke up and attacked Cynthia, one of the witches, Marcel, Ophelia, and Hayley were finished recovering from being thrown into the wall, and while Davina and the remaining Sisters were trying their best to complete the spell, it was obvious that they were terrified and unsure of what to do.
Once Cynthia was dead, Elijah leaped out of the water and snapped the neck of one of the other Sisters while Hayley did the same to another.
Ophelia leaped to her feet and pleaded with Davina, "Davina, please stop! I beg of you!" She begged her adoptive daughter as the young witch stood to her feet and rushed away, though she still continued chanting the spell.
Davina thrust her hand toward Klaus as she continued the sire line unlinking spell, "Nemo unus animabus carnem!"
Ophelia's eyes widened as Klaus awoke in the pool while Davina continued the spell, "Nemo unus animabus carnem!"
Noticing how Klaus looked like he was about to attack Davina, Ophelia rushed forward, "Klaus, no!" She jumped forward and into the air to stop the man, who also leaped out of the water at vampire speed at the same time.
The force of Davina's spell caused Klaus to remain frozen in the air while Davina also used her magic to force Ophelia to be frozen as well, "I'm sorry, Ophelia, but I can't let you save him," Davina told Ophelia before turning to Klaus with a look filled with hatred, "You've had your time!"
The lights exploded into a shower of sparks, and Davina pushed her arms down, causing Klaus to land with a large splash into the pool while Ophelia remained in the air, unable to stop Davina.
Davina continued the spell as Klaus screamed in pain in the water of the pool, "Nemo unus animabus carnem! Nemo unus animabus carnem!"
Ophelia turned her head, her eyes widening in alarm as she watched as Marcel's skin turned red whilst he screamed out in pain, "The sire link's breaking," She quietly gasped in shcok.
Finally, Davina waved her arms in two concentric circles, which caused the water in the pool to shoot up in what looked like a half-dozen geysers. The force of completing the spell caused the young witch to pass out and collapse onto the floor while Klaus fell unconscious in the water once again.

Guilt ▻ The Originals [3]
FanfictionIn which Ophelia Rose is pregnant and almost an entirely different person after what she's been through and tries with everything in her power to keep the feelings for the man who isn't her husband hidden away. Season Three - The Originals