ONE 👩🏻

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about 8 months ago ...

catalina had woken up in a familiar room, her boyfriend oscar's room. she sat up straight, and she suddenly felt sick.

she got up and ran straight to the bathroom, where she started puking.

the first thought that came to her mind, was her and oscar last night. did they?

no, they couldn't have.

she tilted her head back, and sighed.

catalina ended up at store, with two different pregnancy tests in her hand. she handed it to the cashier as she patiently tapped her foot.

" here you go! congrats if it's a yes." the cashier smiled. catalina nodded and walked out of the store.

once the latina got to her house, she rushed inside.

" buenos días mami!" she semi-yelled so that her mom could hear her from the kitchen.

" buenos días, tienes hambre?" her mother called out from the kitchen.

" just a little!" she yelled back.

catalina walked into the bathroom and locked the door. she sighed before peeing on both sticks.

she stood in the bathroom waiting, for at least five minutes.

she then looked at both sticks.

both of them came out positive.

" shit."

catalina sat on her bed in her room.

she didn't know how to feel. hell would anyone?

she stared at the positive sign on one of them, when there was a knock on the door.

she quickly put the test back in the bag and threw it under her bed.

" food's ready!" her mom yelled from the other side of the door.

catalina walked out of the room and sat down at the table. her siblings joined her at the table, and her mother placed the plates down in front of them.

her mother had made pancakes, bacon, and fruit. the aroma of the food, made catalina's stomach feel uneasy.

she stared at the food, and started cutting into it. once she placed it in her mouth, she knew she was going to throw up. 

she got up and ran to the bathroom.

" what's wrong with her?" jade, her mother, asked.

they all shrugged, and went back to eating.

after breakfast the family decided to get out of the house for fresh air. all except for jade.

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