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Footsteps along with screams of agony and pain echoed through the abandoned building. Raindrops seep through the holes of the roof creating muddy puddles on the floor.

A man in his late 30s was being dragged on the floor by the collar of his police uniform. His hands desperately trying to free the hand that was clutched to his collar.

Blood dripped from the wound on the center of his forehead, dripping down his nose and mouth. His uniform was messed with mud and blood. Torn and tattered from the beating he received.

The mysterious person had a hood, covering their head. The person stopped walking, standing in front of a pile of wood that was stacked up, looking like a bed. The person let go of the mans head making the man think he could run, but his thoughts were proven wrong when the person caught him by his uniform, pulling him up to stand on his feet.

Quickly with slick moments, the person tied his hands up behind his back and shoved him on the stack of wood, he tried moving but he couldn't. The restraints held him in place and he was too weak to try and escape, but that didn't stop him from screaming for his life.

"I beg of you! Let me go, please!" He begged as tears fell from his bloodshot eyes.

The person merely chuckled and placed more wood on top of the man. Soon, the man couldn't move at all. The weight of the wood held his body in place.

"Do you remember how she had begged you to let her go?" The person spoke, a female voice echoing through the dark, rusted up building.

The man's eyes widened as he froze completely.

"The day you were given the opportunity to wear this uniform, you had made a vow. And due to your selfish, disgusting needs you broke them. You aren't worthy of using this uniform." She spoke as she walked around him in circles. His eyes following her.

"People like you don't deserve to live." She stopped at the feet of him, her hands behind her back as she stared at him. He couldn't see her face due to the darkness, the only light was the moonlight that seeped through the windows of the building.

"P- please let me go! I'll change I swear!" He begged again, his voice sounding pathetically desperate.

She said nothing, but picked up a 5 litre bottle of oil from the floor, she uncapped it making him violently shake his head, knowing was she was going to do.

"No!" He screamed again as he began to trash around. She dropped the oil onto him as she walked around him once again, stopping when there was nothing left. She threw the empty bottle over her shoulder as she took out a box of matches.

He screamed and screamed, hoping that someone would hear him and save him. But little did he know that no one would.

She stroked the match against the box and it was lit. She slowly held it up in front of her face, showing her crimson red eyes. The mans eyes widened even more when he saw the color of her eyes.

"They say when you play with fire you get burnt, but in this case you die." Her voice sounded dangerous as she eyed him with terrifying eyes.

His body started shaking uncontrollably, his pupils dilated.
A smirk formed on her lips as she flicked the match forward, instantly setting the man on fire.

She walked backwards calmly as she saw him burn, turning front before stuffing her gloved hands in the pockets of her hoodies.

He screamed in pain as he felt his skin burning, but he had to ask. "Who are you?!"

She stopped, her hands coming out of her pockets to take off her hood. The moonlight illuminated her, her red eyes looking dangerous with rage.



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