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This is so crappy oms. I'm so rusty in writing I'm gonna kms anways bye


"Fuck!" Namjoon cursed and rushed to the edge of the roof and looked down, there he saw that Crimson was already on the ground. "Quick!" Namjoon shouted and ran to the door of the rooftop with his team members following, they all ran down the stairs faster than lightning and once they were there they all immediately ran after Crimson.

"Hoseok, Jin, Jimin and Taehyung. You guys secure the other exit points of this place." Namjoon ordered and they nodded, going left while Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook went left where Crimson was.

The police station wasn't near the city or far away either. It was somewhere near the woods. It had gates surrounding the building and behind those gates were trees.

"Stop!" Jungkook shouted once they saw Crimson who was already at the gate. Crimson stopped, staying in place with her hands stuffed in her jacket pockets.

"Stay where you are." Yoongi warned and took a step closer to her with his gun in hand. Jungkook and Namjoon lowered their guns as they watched Crimson. Suddenly they heard a loud, horrifying scream that startled them. The three men turned around to see what it was but in a blink of an eye Crimson climbed up the gate and swiftly jumped over, landing on her feet.

She started running when they started firing at her, easily dodging the bullets.

"Fuck." Jungkook cursed and put his gun in the back of his pants, he ran to the gate and climbed up, jumping over and started running after Crimson, ignoring the calls of his teammates. He wasn't going to let Crimson get away. He wasn't.

Running after her as fast as he could, he somehow made it to the middle of the woods where Crimson stopped and Jungkook stopped a few feet behind her, panting.

"Move and I'll shoot." He warned.

Crimson chuckled and Jungkook raised a brow because it didn't sound masculine. When Crimson removed her hood and turned around Jungkook eyes widened at what he saw.

A girl?!

"You're a girl." He heard himself say, feeling dumb right after. Since Crimson's mask was still on, he couldn't see her face. "Your eyes." He said, lowering his gun unknowingly. Red eyes? What the fuck is going on?

Crimson titled her head to the side and her eyes lowered to his gun. His eyes followed hers and when she moved her eyes to meet his, they made eye contact.

She removed her hands from her pocket slowly making Jungkook grasp his gun tightly, read to shoot. She took her gloved hands out of her pockets and held it up, saying she didn't have any weapons with her.

Which was a lie, she had a knife tucked in the back of her jeans.

He soon understood what she was saying. A fight without weapons. He lowered his gun and she cracked her knuckles, they were ready to fight.

Jungkook was the first to take action. He threw a powerful punch towards her but she ducked, dodging it. She grabbed his hand and twisted it making him hiss in pain and kneed him in his stomach making him yelp and stagger back a bit.

But he was quick to recover as he did a spin kick and kicked her in her stomach making her take several steps back as she held onto her stomach from the pain.

Never hit a girl. Jungkook was taught. But here he was, kicking a girl.

She cursed under her breath and inhaled deeply. They continued to fight, then Crimson was starting to get impatient. She kicked his legs making him fall backwards and she was quick to straddle him, pinning both his hands above his head. He was actually amazed by how strong she is. He struggled to get his hands out of her death grip but it only made her hand around his wrists clutch tighter.

He mentally cursed himself for getting into this position.

She raised her other hand, fisting it and bringing down to his face, hard. Her red eyes the last thing he saw before his consciousness was taken away from him.

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