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"Ah, its been so long since we've been here." A certain blond haired male, Namjoon, spoke as he and his teammates that were like his brothers drove into Seoul in their black jeep.

"Yeah, missed the place." Jin, a man with wide shoulders and raven black hair said as he smiled at the scenery.

"Me too!" A cheerful voice suddenly said, Jin looked behind him and there sat Hoseok, his recently dyed red hair was flying everywhere from the wind, his smile was so bright, it looked like the sun had competition.

"Hobi, your hairs a mess." Jin stated, sitting in a position that allowed him to turn and brush Hoseok's red hair behind his ear—like how a mother would.

"Thanks Jin Hyung!" Hoseok smiled brightly earning a warm smile and nod from the older before he turned around and sat normally.

Yesterday they received a call from the police department in Seoul, requesting USO to send their best agents as they seemed to have a difficult case at hand.

"Burning a police officer?" Namjoon mumbles to himself as he continues driving. "Person must have a lot of balls to do something like that."

"True," Jin nods. "Any theories yet?"

Namjoon shakes his head. "No, not yet. But we'll find out once we reach the station."

"Can someone tell that fucking sun to take a hike!" A voice suddenly hisses from behind them, they would've been startled by it but their highly trained agents for God sakes. Besides, they already knew who that voice belonged to.


Who else would it be? Getting pissed at the sun for waking him up from his hibernation.

"Language!" Jin scolds. Yoongi scowls and grumbles something under his breath, looking up to glare at the sun. Big mistake, he hisses as the bright light hits his eyes and quickly ducks his head from the sun.

"Yoongi Hyung reminds me of a vampire," Hoseok says earning chuckles from the males in the front seats and a glare from Yoongi.

"Alright guys," Namjoon announces as he stops driving, parking outside the police station. "We're here."


Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin were already at the station. Waiting for the U.S.O agents that were assigned to work with them. U.S.O was a secret organization that only Police Departments knew about.

U.S.O, Uranus Safety Organization. The founders of the organization were Latin. But now, its worldwide.

They were all waiting in a meeting room. A long, wide brown desk in the center of the room and huge flat screen TV in front of it on the wall.

Suddenly the doors open and in comes Commissioner Daesung with four young men behind him.

"Gentleman, I'd like you to meet Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin. Three of my best men." Daesung said, stepping aside to let the young men get to know each other.

"Nice to meet you all," Namjoon says, stepping forward and shaking their hands.

"Feelings mutual," Jimin smiled. They got to know each others names and all sat down so they could listen to what Daesung had to say.

"We all know what happened, someone burned officer Vern and left his ashes outside the police station in a pouch. But his ashes weren't the only thing in there, he also left officer Vern's badge and a hard drive. What's in it, we don't know. But we'll find out now," he sits down, taking the small remote that was on the table and pressing a button. Instantly, the TV in front of them is turned on and a video starts playing.

At first, its plain black. And then they see a message in bold red.

'You all must be wondering, who killed Officer Vern? Why? You'll find out now.'

The sentence disappears, and soon there's a video that starts playing. Vern was raping a woman.

'Please let me go! I promise I won't say anything!' The woman desperately pleads, her face stained with tears as Vern kept pounding into her.

'Shut up!" He commands, slapping her across her face hard. The video looked like it was taped from the balcony of the room where Vern was raping that woman.

Soon, after he was done with her he took a knife from the nightstand. The woman's eyes widen in horror and before she can scream, he raised the knife over his head with both hands and brought it down fast, stabbing her chest. Blood spluttered everywhere as the woman stopped moving, her eyes wide as she laid there dead.

The video changed again and now it was back to plain black with a message in bold red.

'Now you know why. But now, you must be wondering why I didn't do anything. That's because I was waiting for the right time to kill him, I thought that the police department would find out about this, but no. You people are useless. Police officers were supposed to protect people, make them feel safe. But clearly, non of you are doing your job right. There's only a handful of honest officers, the rest are useless scum. Polluting the world, but we can't have that now can we? Which is why I took it upon myself to clean the mess the government made before it gets too messy to clean up. Don't bother stopping me, no one can.


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