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It was morning in the city of Seoul. Cars honking and driving on the busy streets. The sky a shade of peach with orange and red.

It was very early, around 7 AM.

In apartment 31, a man named Kim Taehyung was soundly asleep. His bed a mess, the blanket wrapped around him as the bedsheets lay on the brown wooden floor.

His hair messed up as he lays on his stomach, hugging his pillow as snores escaped his mouth.

Suddenly, his phone starts to ring and due to his loud ringtone of a cow mooing frantically, his eyes shot open and he fell from the bed onto the hard and cold floor, startled.

He let out a 'oof' and got up, rubbing his lower back that was now starting to hurt. Mentally cursing himself for having that as his ringtone. He sat on his bed and reached for his phone. His pained expression turning into a serious one when he sees the caller ID. He presses the answer button and puts the phone to his ear.

"Sir." He greets, his voice firm and respectful.

"Taehyung, how are you?" His senior, an elderly man of 51, also the commissioner asks.

"Good, Sir, and yourself?" Taehyung asks.

The man sighs over the phone making Taehyung furrow his eyebrows. "Not well, Officer Vern was killed last night. Burned to be more specific, his ashes were found in front of the police station 2 hours ago. We have no clue on who the killer is, no eye witnesses. Nothing. I need you, Jungkook and Jimin to be here within the next 2 hours. I need my brightest police officers on this case."

Taehyung takes in the information he just received. He knew Vern but they weren't close, just acquaintances. Taehyung's entire demeanor has changed, he became very serious. "We'll be there, Sir."

"See you in 2 hours, Taehyung." And with that, the man hung up.

Taehyung let out a sigh, setting his phone on the nightstand next to his bed. He got up and stretched his arms, scratching the back of his head as a yawn escapes his pink lips. He winces when the sunlight hits his eyes and shuts them together.

He interlaces his fingers behind his neck and walks to the window of his room. Watching as each car passes by, his thoughts wander off to who the killer could be.

He retreats from the window and out of his room, walking into the one opposite his, better known as Jungkook's room.

He walks to the sleeping figure and gets on the bed. "Yah, Jungkook! Wake up!" He nudges the boy with his feet. Jungkook whines and rolls over, away from Taehyung.

"Its still early, Hyung!" He sleepily says as his eyes closes again. Taehyung sighs and kicks him hard, making Jungkook fall off the bed with a loud thud and a yelp.

"Yah! What was that for?!" Jungkook fiercely glares at the older male as he gets up.

"Get ready, we got a case." Is all Taehyung had to say to make Jungkook wide awake.

"What case?" Jungkook asks, placing his hands on his hips.

"Someone burned officer Vern last night, left his ashes outside the police station and just vanished. Commissioner said there were no clues or traces that could help lead to the killer." Taehyung informed and got off the bed. "Now get ready, we leave in an hour."

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