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'BREAKING NEWS: Crimson attacks again!'

'The ministers niece, Isabelle Sungwin was found brutally murdered in her hotel room last night at 8:30. There are no eye witnesses or footage of Crimson going into the building.'

'David Walker was found earlier this morning by the police in Isabelle's apartment in Daegu. Isabelle had kidnapped him and murdered his wife along with his unborn child.'

'The minister was forced to step down as all his wrong doings was made public last night! The citizens are furious at what's been happening.'

'But the questions remains, who is Crimson?'



The police station is hectic. News reporters were flooded outside the building, demanding answers. Daesung was currently outside trying his best to answer their questions.

"Sir, sir! Do you think what Crimson is doing is right?" A female reporter with brunette hair asked, holding her mic out to him.

Daesung clasped his hands together behind his back. "No, murder is wrong no matter what."

"Sir! Don't you think that Crimson is doing better than the police, at least Crimson is taking action, what are the police doing?" Another reporter asked. Daesung's jaw clenched as his face remained stoic.

"That's enough questions for today, goodbye." Daesung said curtly and turned around to walk inside the station. The press were pushing against the guards, holding their mics out whilst continuing to shout out questions.

Once Daesung was inside his office, he sat in his chair and held the bridge of his nose while closing his eyes and sighing.

Whoever Crimson was, he was creating a lot of trouble for them.

He just hoped the boys could find something that would lead them to Crimson.


While the boys were investigating the hotel room, no one else was there. Just the seven of them.

"Crimson must have came through the balcony door," Hoseok noted out loud as he examined the balcony.

"But how would he have gotten on the roof? The only way to get to the roof is if he was in the building, but he wasn't because we would've seen it the CCTV footage." Said Taehyung as he rubbed his chin with his thumb.

"Must've jumped from the other building to this one." Yoongi said nonchalantly while he crouched down to the side of the bed where a puddle of blood was while he examined it.

"That's suicide, no one would be able to do that." Jimin said as he shook his head.

"Actually," Jin started. "U.S.O agents were trained to do such things. Jump from one building to another."

"Are you saying that this person is a U.S.O agent?" Jungkook quirked a brow while taking putting on latex gloves

"No, there's very few U.S.O agents and we know all of them, including the ones that retired. But this person, whoever the hell he is, works like an U.S.O agent."

"Leaves no tracks or evidence," Namjoon nodded and sighed before looking over at the bed where a huge puddle of blood was, soaking the white sheets.

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