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A doctor in his 50s came rushing to them, bald and wearing a doctor's coat, a bit chubby and short. Around 169 cm.

"Doctor, please help us. He fell off a 4 story building and he isn't waking up since." Zei pleads.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of him. You just make the admission payments." The doctor— Mr. Laing— hurriedly said. "Nurse!" He calls and nurse hurries over. "Quickly take this man to ICU. Quick!" The nurse hurries and takes the stretcher to ICU, the doctor rushing behind them.

"Did your husband have insurance?" Zei asks, the act falling as she watches the doctor leave.

"N- no." Soyeon says softly, hugging her children closer to her.

"Come, let's get one now." Zei said, walking to stand in line for the receptionist.


"He's already dead, Doctor." The nurse says once they're in ICU.

The doctor sucks his teeth. "But they don't know that." He smirks. "As long as they have money, he's alive. Understand?"

The nurse nods.

"Good, time to put on an act."


Nurses and doctors were rushing out of the ICU, putting on an act of being busy and taking their job seriously. Zei knew they weren't, the man was dead. What can you possibly do to revive a dead man?


Absolutely nothing.

Sitting outside the ICU next to the deceased mans family, Zei takes her phone out and looks at the eldest child, around 14. "Hey, do you know how to use this?" She asks the girl, earning a nod.

"Good," she hands the phone to the girl. "The doctors going to come out now, with a long face. I want you to focus on them only okay?"

The girl nods again, you can clearly see the depression and exhaustion on her face. Zei knows what it feels like, to lose someone you love dearly.

Its a terrible, horrid, dreadful feeling that she wishes no one would ever have to feel.

As on cue, the doctors come out. Faces long like Zei said. "I'm so sorry, I wish you came here earlier. We could have saved him." He said, looking and sounding apologetic.

"No, please you have to do something!" Zei pleads.

"Are you crazy? What can we do he's dead! No one can treat the dead!" The doctor suddenly shouts.

"But you can!" Zei shouts. "You've been doing it the whole time!"

"What do you mean?!" The other doctor asks.

Zei smirks, hand reaching inside of her jackets pocket and pulling out the death certificate. "See this?"

The doctor pulls the death certificate from Zei and reads it, eyes widening and face becoming paler.

"This isn't just the mans death certificate, this is the hospitals death certificate." She pulls the paper back from him. 


"Breaking news! Seoul's private hospital was suddenly shut down temporarily earlier today, the reason being the dishonest and money greedy staff. What is going on in today's world? The citizens are furious, we all are. Changes are demanded to be made, but with our government, will they? The poli—" the TV was suddenly shut off by the commissioner rubbed his hands down his face and sighed heavily.

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