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Oops, sorry for not posting😭
I'm so fricken tired and congested at the same time so please bare with me you guys. I love you alllllllll!

Zei adjusted the black glove on her hand, black glasses on as she watched Dan stumble into the hotel he was currently living at.

The night was chilly, wind blowing violently.

Dan was a police officer in Daegu, currently at Seoul for a vacation. But, of course Dan was a no good bastard. He raped a 17 year old girl that was making her way home after college. He was suspended for a month. Suspended.

Zei chuckled. Soon he'll be suspended from life.

Not only did he do that, but he also took bribe from people to cover up their tracks. 2 weeks ago, he took bribe from a wealthy man that had ran over a homeless boy.

Adjusting her mask and removing her glasses, tucking it into her jacket, she moved from the wall she was standing against, gloved hands in the pockets of her jacket. But, instead of going into the building through the main entrance, she walked around it and to the back of the building.

There, she saw a thick pipe and began climbing up it. When she reached a balcony, she jumped up on it and landed quietly on her feet. She quickly hid in the shadows when she saw Dan make his way out of the bathroom.

He walked around the room for a while, when he disappeared back into the bathroom Zei took her opportunity and slid into the room quietly, making her way to the bathroom with her trusty dagger in her hand, but Dan walked out of the bathroom, his eyes wide when he saw Zei.

He was about to scream when Zei threw the dagger expertly and it hit Dan in his throat. He gurgled and stumbled back, hand clutching his neck as blood spurted out. He fell against the wall, slowly sliding down it and when he reached the floor, he was dead.

Zei fake pouted. "Aw man, that was too quick." She strolled towards the dead body, snatching her black dagger from his throat that created a disgusting sound and went into the bathroom to wash it.

When she was done, she took out a hard drive and clipped it to Dan's shirt then made her way out of the room and away from the building.


A few days had gone by when they found Dan's body. And still, no clue on who Crimson is or why she was doing this.

All seven men were standing in the commissioners office, their heads down.

"Still can't find Crimson?" Daesung asked, angry.

"No, Sir." Taehyung answered.

Daesung banged his fists on the wooden table. "You're telling you can't find one person in the age of technology and biometrics?!" He hissed.

"We're working on it, Sir. This isn't an ordinary person. She's clever and she knows how to cover her tracks." Namjoon tried explaining.

"I don't want to hear it!" Daesung barked. "1 week, you have 1 week to solve this bloody case!"

"Yes, Sir." Namjoon nodded.

"Dismissed." Daesung said.


Hoseok hasn't been himself lately, and everyone noticed. He's been quieter, losing his focus when they were busy trying to crack the Crimson case.

So, Namjoon decides that enough is enough. He understood that Hoseok needed time to solve whatever he had in his head but, Namjoon wanted to help. All six men wanted to help.

Its at night when Namjoon questions Hoseok. "Hobi, we need to talk."

Hoseok knew that tone very well, Namjoon would only use that tone when he wanted to discuss something serious.

"Yeah?" Hoseok asks curiously, currently seated at the kitchen island where Jungkook was, an ice pack on his nose, Taehyung on his phone, Jimin and Yoongi sat drinking their mugs of coffee and Jin standing near the stove.

"Something's wrong. I know it, we know it." Namjoon says, taking a seat next to the red-head. Hoseok clenched his jaw.

Something was definitely wrong.


"I'll tell you guys, just not now. Only when I'm sure." That's all he says as he gets up and retires into his room.

Everything is silent.

"That's the first time I saw Hobi Hyung like that." Jungkook speaks quietly.

"He only gets like that when its something serious." Jin says, sighing and turning to turn the stove off.

"Sure of what though?" Taehyung asks, more to himself.

"We'll find out, eventually." Namjoon sighs.

At the room, Hoseok sat on the bed, shoulders hunched and head bowed forward.

She's alive.

"She can't be." Hoseok muttered, running his slender fingers through his soft, red hair.

But she is.

That voice.

That voice at the back of his head was always right.

Standing up, he walks to his back on the table and opens it. Digging for a small note book, he opens it and takes out a small square photo.

A picture of a teenage girl, with long pretty brown hair and matching eyes, hugging a small girl with matching hair and crimson eyes. 

A lump forms in his throat. A shaky breath escapes his lips as he stares at the photograph in his hand.

She's alive.

Lemme know what you guys thinkkkkkk!
Vottteee and comment too pleaseeee.💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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