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That night Y/n try to cure her pain. She need to doing herself. After she done, her throat dry. She go downstairs and straight to the kitchen. She drink and then she hear something at the living room.

Even the lamp is dimm..She can saw Jimin and someone kissing on the sofa. The way Jimin give his respond to that women like a being force from that women. Y/n stop staring when Jimin look at her. Y/n go back to her room immediately and lock her door.

Then she hear a knock from her door. Jimin call her name in a soft voice.

"Y/n. Please..Open the door."

Jimin try to open the door but the door is lock from inside.

Y/n pretend to sleep and keep quiet not answer Jimin.

"I know you not sleep! Open the door or I will break it..!!"

After a few minutes Jimin kick the door so hard and the door open widely.

Y/n still stay quietly under her  blanket. As soon as the blanket was pulled strongly by Jimin from the end of the bed.

Y/n saw Jimin's in very terrifying condition. His shirt was not floored again from top to bottom. He looks intimidating, very scary even though he uses a face mask.. his eyes can tell everything.

"Why you not open the door..! You should know who are you in this house..!! Who the hell you are thinking hah!!"

Jimin directly go and grab y/n's hair. He pull her hair to the back roughly.

"Sir Jimi....min....Please..let go my hair. I'm hurt.."

Y/n try to hold her cracks voice.

Jimin slap her face. Y/n collapse on the bed. Jimin see y/n cheeks wet. She cry and hold her pain.  After a few minutes he realized that what he was doing.

"Arghhhh....!! Why...why!! I'm sorry..I accidentally slap your face..I added the pain to you..no..no..!"

Jimin call her maid to clean his mess and he storm out from that room.


"You are the last one I will kill tonight..!!"


" Are you ok Jimin.? You seems not in a good mood tonight..what happen..care to tell me?"

Namjoon ask Jimin as a brother. He knows Jimin from kindergarten. All of them know each other for a very long time ago.

"It's nothing hyung. I..I just feel not really good mood lately..."

"Maybe you should take a break for yourself mm...."

Namjoon put his palm on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin just smile and say...

"Thanks hyung, but I don't know if I really need that BREAK..."

Both of them laughing together and both of them went and left the dead body on the floor...there's a five of them..the dead body.


2 month I living under one roof with the guy named PARK JIMIN. Until now I don't know his face.I do not recognize his face. Everytime we meet, he always use his mask. Why he need that mask..? What happen to his face that he afraid to let go the mask.

I try my best to plan everything that I need to run away from this hell. He always come back late. Sometimes I can hear moaning from his room. I don't care what is he doing, but why is he hide me in this mansion?

He can get anyone to satisfy his desires but why he keep me in his house..? What exactly is my function to him? Sometimes he treats me gently, sometimes very rough. It is very confusing my heart.


One day, Jimin go back to his mansion and directly finding Y/n. He in rush condition and that make Y/n feel confuse. What exactly happen to Jimin.

Jimin pull y/n wristand go to his bedroom, and start speaking.

"Y/n.. Sit down..Do you know why I still keep you in this house..?"

"Actually...I don't know why. What is that mean?"

"Your late husband have a debt with me and till his death he still can't pay his debt....So.."

"So....so whaaa...t Jimin..?"

"So...You need to pay back his debt."

"What..!! Why must me?!"

"Shut up bitch..! Do you know how many he borrow from me? You can buy a new house with that amount...."

Jimin smirks and looks intimidating....Y/n starts feel nervous.

"It's your fault too. If you did not kidnap  me that night, and let me work that day I can pay you back again. I've been here for 2 months. What do I get..? I can pay you slowly until my debt late husband already settle..."

"Why you suddenly ask this question?? Are your business going down??.. Why you seems  desperate about the money...?"

Jimin laugh outloud...then he give y/n a sharp glare...and speak..

"Are stupid or what y/n..?"

"No..I'm not.."

"Ok then...I give you 2 choices...pick one."

"Numb 1..If you want to living freely, you must to get married with me..be my wife"

"Numb 2..If you don't want to get married with me, be my fiance for 1year and you need to work at my biggest club in this country...as a waitress. 80% your salary pay back your late husband debt...and the rest 20% you can  keep."

"Which one you want to choose..."

Jimin's smirk and starting counting to make Y/n fast to choose the conditions.

" Numb 1 or Numb 2...y/n shii...?"


"Ah...ahh...okey2..please calm down..I choose....numb...."

To be continue...💕💕💕

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