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Y/n arrive at her old home. When she look at her home, the old memories comes again. Her mom really love about the flower and likes to plant a variety of flowers.

Her thought disturb because of her son, Chim.

"Mummy..where are we..?"

"Yes sweetie...we are at your late grandma home..mummy childhood place.."

"Woah..it's look scary mummy.."

"Yes...it is. But don't judge it by the cover..the outside maybe ugly..but you still don't know inside the house. Come...let me show you"

Actually, there are housekeeping clean inside the house every month. Y/n already hire someone to take care the house for her emergency like this..🤣

It is because anytime she can return again if she want to clear her mind or anything else to keep her save away from problem.

One week later

Y/n don't know what to do about her life. She need a new job or just dying without doing anything. 🤦🏻‍♀️😆

How far she can run away from Park Jimin? She already tired to face all of that. Why can't God give her once in her life to feel the happiness in her life? Like other people?

Deep inside her heart, she thinks no need to have a Park Jimin. She can facing and handle all of the problem or challenges.

But she can't do that..Chim need someone as his father. 

Maybe only TIME can cure all of that. Just wait and see Y/n. We don't know what yours future.

Back to Jimin, he don't know what to do. He lost again Y/n and his precious son. He knows, all of this because of his greedy and selfishness.



Wake up in the morning is the best way to start your day. The air so fresh and cool. It's been a month I am here with my son.

I think today we gonna walk for a while try to find something that we can do.

I know it is hard to start but I will try. Opening a small clinic for treatment to the people at here and use my skill to cure and take care of them really helping all of them.

Most of them a framer and breeders. I know who there are, half of them..not all, well I am new generation at all. 🤦🏻‍♀️😆

Back to my day. I'm siting alone on the chairs while waiting my coffee done. Such a nice cafe in the town.

The aroma of coffee, the smell sweet from the small bakery with the scenery out of this glass window is really beautiful and peace.

I love the view, but then someone disturb my attention..

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