~The End~

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🍃🌸A/N POV🌸🍃

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🍃🌸A/N POV🌸🍃

"We end it today..!!"

Jimin get in with his scream and give a sad look to his wife.

"I will end your life today! How dare you touch my wife..!!"

Jimin punch Seojun's face. They fight until Seojun collapse, his body not moving any inch. Jimin quickly go to hug his wife. Y/n's body shuttering and still don't accept what happen right now.

"Please don't cry honey. I'm here. You are safe now...shhhh~"

"Ji...Jimmm...Jiminnn... I'm scareddd."

"Come, we need to go back to our sweet home. Chim Chim waiting for us.."

They can't forget that what happen in that night. The night full of story, tragedies and emotional. Will their life shine like sunshine? (I think of Jhope here..jsjsk)


Y/n POV. (6 Month later.)


"Jiminnn ah~"

"Yes Jagiii ahh~~~"

I hug his hand, while we watch some romantic movie.

"I miss you.."

I kiss his lips and he give a sweet smile.

"Weird..Something fishy here...Okey, just tell me what do you want honey..."

He stare and smirks...

"Waeee....I can't miss my own husband?? Hate you~"

"Awww....love you honey."

Both of us laugh together.🤣🤣

"Y/n ahh...please pack our thing tomorrow. I wanna bring you to somewhere special."

"Where we want to go.? For how long?"

"Emmm....more sand..more water..maybe a week like that. Why?"

"Uh..I just wanna know because I need to arrange what kind our cloth and how many our thing should I pack."

🍃🌸A/N POV 🌸🍃

According to Jimin's plan, they should be there before night, for preparing of something. With all help from his member and family, Jimin thinks the thing he prepare smooth as the plan.

"What a nice view tonight isn't...."

Y/n smile while both of them staring to the sky with many stars up above.

"Yep....it is nice when I'm with you together again.."

Y/n confuse.

"Uh...what do you mean? Is it we not together before this?? The last 5,6 month ago..."

Jimin just give her a smile...

"No jagiyaa....What I means is...."

Jimin so nervous to do what is next, but he be strong, knelt and pulled out a small box and opened it slowly and said...

"Park Y/n...will you marry me??"

Y/n was excited and cried with emotion, after many challenges they face it..Now the shine in their relationship began and the happiness waiting for them.. Y/n can't hold her answerd and replied..

"Yesss.....I do Park Jimin..!!!"

Jimin got up and held the y/n's finger and then wrapped the ring in the sweet y/n's finger. They kissed passionately.

"Now..both of us really fall in love with each other..no forcing no anything else..."

"Jimin....I want to grow old with you."

"Yes jagiya...then what do you wait.? Come."

Jimin pull y/n's hand..but Y/n stop her step.

"Where do you want to bring me??"

"You want to grow up with me right?"

"Yes, and....."

"We need our children to take care of us..."

"Okey..then? so what is your point Jimin shii??"

"Y/n.....one children is not enough to take care of us. Come..."

"Wait whattt...!!?"

Jimin came closely to Y/n ear and say...

"We need to make another children y/n..."

He smirks..and Y/n blushing..😏☺

"....and i wanna hear you call, shout my name when i fucked you really hard..."


Jimin laugh...






Hi everyone, thanks for waiting my ff for so long. Don't hate me okey..😅👍. I hope you understand my storyline and forgive me for my mistake in spelling or harsh word..well, thank you very much for who read my ff and to my voters..thanks again...!!



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