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Pippa's POV:

I walked into the room and set my bag down. I sat in the chair across from him. "Lin-Manuel Miranda. It is obvious something happened last night. Explain." He nodded and burst out "Pippa I-". I cut him off. "Phillipa Soo to you sir" I said.

He nodded and his eyes filled with tears. "Phillipa Soo. I went to a party with my wife. She was pregnant so she couldn't drink. I did drink however. We had a little fun and made out. My wife told me to have fun. I had around 10 more drinks when a woman named Jasmine Cephas Jones approached me. She whispered sweet, seductive things into my ear then kissed me. One thing led to another and I woke up in her bedroom the next morning." He looked up at me.

My gaze softened as I looked at him. "I appreciate your honesty Mr. Miranda. Do you regret your actions sir?" "Of course I do! I would never do anything like that under normal circumstances." I nodded and asked him one last question. "Mr. Miranda... What would you tell your wife if she were here?"

He smiled slightly and began "If my wife were here I would say. I love her and she is more important to me than the air I breathe. I would tell her I was dumb to do such a thing even if I was drunk. I'd tell her... I don't want to be with her forever. I need to be with her forever. I love her. I love us."

My heart swelled and I knew my decision. "Mr. Miranda my decision has been made." He looked at me expectantly. "Mr. Miranda... you can call me Pippa. Pippa Miranda, Or Dearest Wife, Babe, My love.... You know." I said grinning. His face broke into a smile. "Oh Pippa I love you so much. I'm so sorry." "Please Lin don't apologize You know what you did. It will take time but we'll heal."

Then, I kissed him.

Satisfied: Sequel to Helpless💕Where stories live. Discover now