Sweet Revenge

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It took Izuku ten minutes after he left the apartment to find the warehouse he'd been directed to. Outside were four armed thugs so they may as well just advertise where they are. He dropped down in front of the four thugs startling them.

"Who are you?" "Why are you here?" "Do you wanna die?" Three of the four were talking over the top of each other and the fourth just stayed silent.

"Whoa boys you talking to fast one at a time." Izuku smiled as he new they were on edge so it wouldn't take much to induce terror in their hearts.

The four looked at each other before one said "Why are you here?"

"Well I was going to the grocery store to get a snack." Izuku could already see the looks of terror on their faces in his mind so his smile grew showing off his bloody fangs.

They started shaking before the one who was quite before spoke up. "Then why don't you just head to the convenience store down the str..."

Izuku then cut him off. "Why would I do that? There's a tasty looking meal right here."

The four aimed their guns at him and shifted uncomfortably. "W-what do you..." The man never got to finish his sentence since Izuku closed the distance between them before anyone could react and, ate the man's head.

"A little spicy but not bad." The three remaining men aimed their guns at Izuku's head. Then he fired his webs from his hands and ripped the guns from their grip. The goons turned on their heels and ran. "Hhuuu." Izuku sighed "Fast foods a pain in the ass." Then he smiled as he started the hunt.


Overhaul had been having a relatively normal evening. The little brat made another escape attempt and he sent some men after her. Then he rebleached their hideout to make sure it was clean. Then four headless corpses were thrown into his bases entryway. He turned and saw an eight foot tall man that seemed to be made of blood standing in the doorway.

"BOYS WE HAVE AN INTRUDER!!" Overhaul screamed from the balcony he was standing on. The thirty ish people he had under his command currently ran out into the room. 'We're too small right now other than the three I sent after the brat this is everyone. We'll need to start recruitment soon' Overhaul thought to himself.

Overhaul watched as his men rushed the intruder. 'How long will he last' he smiled at the thought. then he prepared to watch the fight.


'Less than two minutes. Less than two minutes was all it took for the man to kill more thirty people without so much as a scratch' Overhaul had started to panic as the bloody man looked up at him. "W-who are you?"

The man laughed and when he did Overhaul could only see him as a monster. "My name is Carnage. Not that it matters since you'll be dead soon." With that the creature jumped on to the balcony with him.

Overhaul smiled. 'He's too close'. Overhaul's quirk allowed him to disassemble and reassemble anything he touches including people. His hand shot out and into the man's torso and he blew it apart. "Ha looks like you got cocky." Then he turned to leave and, a piercing pain went through his stomach. He looked down and a red tendril had stabbed right through his body like it was nothing. He looked over his shoulder to see the pieces of the man's body had pulled themselves back together and he was smiling at him with large red fangs showing.

"Looks like you did too." Carnage told him . Then Carnage leaned forward opening his mouth extremely wide and Overhaul's life ended in one bite.


Izuku looked around the room and started to smile when his eyes landed on the chandelier.

He left most of the bodies out side on sticks standing like scare crows with the group's crow maskes scattered around. On the front of the building he wrote "Carnage". But inside was his master piece. He'd ripped out the hearts of all the heartless bastards he killed here and stuffed them down Overhaul's open neck. Then he tied his body up to the chandelier so it was hanging about four feet off the ground. Then on the back wall he wrote "For the hero association's 100th Birthday here's a pinata."

"I wonder what they'll do when they see that." Izuku chortled (fancy way of saying giggled). He was on his way home when something fabric like wrapped around him and then passed through him. 'What the hell'.


Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead had been on patrol like any other night when he saw a man who looked like he was made of blood writing the word every hero and police officer had come to dread seeing at crime scenes Carnage. He moved to apprehend the villian only to have his capture weapon pass right through him, much to Aizawa's annoyance.

"Stop right there. I'm taking you into jail." Aizawa said in his trademarked tiered voice.

The man turned to Aizawa and spoke in a demonic voice. "Eraserhead huh. You should head home you can't do anything since your quirk can't cancel mutation quirks. You also can't hit me since I'm selectively liquid like."

Aizawa stared at him, he knew he should act rationally but this man was making a fool of the hero industry and was sickly mutilating the bodies of his victims. "I can't do that. I have to stop you as a hero."

The man laughed and then moved. He grabbed Aizawa's head and slammed it into a wall faster than Aizawa could see and his world went black.


Izuku looked back at the unconscious hero as he shifted back to normal and walked away. 'I should kill him. But he's one of the few heros I respect still, besides there's no money in it for me now. Maybe I wait someone will put a hit on him. Yeah then this will have been worth it.' Satisfied with his logic Izuku had made it back to the apartment without another incident. He walked in to see Toga and Eri waiting for him.

"Hey I thought you were supposed to go to sleep." He told the young girl as she ran to hug him.

"I couldn't while you were gone." She seemed scared for him.

"Don't worry they won't hurt you again." He was rubbing her head as he spoke and Toga joined the hug.

"Did you kill them?" Eri asked. She sounded hopeful and the older two looked at her in shock.

"Y-yeah" Izuku responded shakely.

Then Eri tightened her hug "Good. I don't want them to take me from you guys."

Toga and Izuku looked at each other. "No one ever will." They said together. Then the new family went to the apartment's only bed and fell asleep together.

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