Setting up the Raid

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Author's Note:

So I had a question for all of you since I didn't have anything for this author's note, from now on would you like me to go through the comments and answer questions in my notes? But other than that lets get started.

Chapter Thirty-nine

The next morning Izuku stared at Shigaraki who was now standing awkwardly in his living room holding a Japan themed risk game. "Hey Shigaraki what's going on, you didn't explain what was up on the phone. Why was Kurogiri indisposed?"

"Um you might want to send Eri out of here for this." Shigaraki said nervously while keeping from setting all five of his fingers on the risk box.

Izuku looked at Shigaraki with a raised eyebrow, but turned to Eri anyway. "Hey Snowflake why don't you go see if Grandma and Auntie Mitsuki will play a game with you." Looking confused Eri nodded and ran out of the living/dinning room. "Ok then let's sit at the table and talk then."

Shigaraki nodded awkwardly and set his game on the table as he sat down, Izuku sat across from him with Toga and Jiro beside him. Jack sat beside Shigaraki, while Soei was standing off to the side, and Mei was in her workshop. Jack decided to lighten the mood and gently pat Shigaraki on the back, "no need to be so nervous, just tell us what's going on."

Still seeming uncomfortable Shigaraki began to speak, "I asked you to have Eri leave because I wasn't sure how much of," He gestured around them vaguely, "our world you showed her."

Izuku nodded, "she knows more than someone her age, but that wasn't something we wanted or had anything to do with. I personally took care of the people responsible, but I appreciate the thought."

"Ok. I uhh ... forcibly ended the League, and uhh ... Kurogiri as well."

"Wait you killed Kurogiri?" Now Izuku was really confused, "I thought you guys were friends."

"No he was more like my nanny, Sensei had him look after me when I was younger and he never stopped second guessing me or trying to get me to do what he thought Sensei would want." Suddenly Shigaraki became embarrassed, "I uhh ... lost my temper when he said you weren't my friend and were just manipulating me."

"What did you mean you ended the League?" Toga asked realizing Shigaraki didn't want to talk about Kurogiri anymore.

"One of those idiots came up to me demanding I give up our recourses and my position as leader. I killed him and chased the rest of those traitors off."

"Well I say you did a good job getting out of there if they had all turned on you, the fact you ended up leaving unscratched in that scenario is amazing." Izuku gave his teal haired friend a nod of approval. "So what's with the risk game?"

"It's something Sensei bought for me, to help me plan out my missions better. It's shaped like Japan so I can keep track of my opponents numbers as well as my own."

Izuku nodded in approval, "that's a great idea. If there's a skill that's not your strong suit, to find a way to strengthen that area is brilliant. That being said I assume with everything that's happened you want to join us now, is that right?"

Shigaraki nodded, "yeah I plan to do whatever I can to help out."

"Good well we're in the end game so let's break open the risk board because I want to show you all how well put Japan in checkmate." Everyone nodded as Shigaraki opened the box for Izuku. "So in three days Japan's leaders are planning to have a funeral for their beloved All Might." He started to move red pieces onto an area in the Shibuya district, "most of Japan's leaders will be there represented by these red pieces. Unfortunately they can't have everyone who runs the show in one place so one of them will be hiding near by, in the city hall of Hosu city." He punctuated his statement by placing another red piece in the rough area that the person would be. "We know this because Mei had gotten into the Prime minister's computer, and dug up a few of their plans, which also means we know roughly how many heroes will be guarding the event. But before we get to that, this funeral will be public so we know a lot of civilians will be in attendance." Izuku picked up a handful of yellow pieces and placed them near Shibuya. "Now we know Endeavor, as well as Hawks will be guarding the hidden member of the government as they can't afford to lose him."

"So who is this "hidden" person." Jack asked giving air quotes to mock the fact that they had already found the politician.

"It's the head of Japan's department of defense, for obvious reasons we can't let him escape ... not alive at least." Izuku placed two blue pieces around the lone red. "Now the government asked UA for help seeing as they've had run ins with us before. Luckily no one else from the top ten will be their as Japan can't spare them with All Might no longer keeping things together. But they have at least thirty people who are in training or are pro heroes who plan to be there." He set thirty blue pieces around the mass of red and yellow for show. "We can tell that Japan is on the brink since they plan to use UA students to boost their security. Unfortunately Mei couldn't get the exact info on who would be there as guards, so we're in the dark in that regards." Izuku then picked up five gray pieces, "That said I have a plan that makes it so it doesn't matter who they brought they're still going to lose." He set two pieces by the three lone pieces, "Soei and Shigaraki you two are going to go after our friend in hiding. If Soei jumps into the heroes shadows starting with Endeavor do you think you could dust them before they can react Shigaraki?"

"Sure thing but I have to ask why we'd start with Endeavor Hawks could try to fly away with Department head."

"Well I had a theory that Soei and I tested, if Hawks picks up the department head there will be a small shadow that is created between their bodies that Soei could jump you to. Then before you hit the ground he can jump again using his own shadow, and get you both to safety. Plus Endeavor is a lose cannon if he loses his cool he could burn the whole building down on your heads." The two nodded accepting the plan, then Izuku continued. Next Izuku placed another gray piece in front of the mass of other colored pieces, as well as two inside the mass. "Next is the hard part Jack I need you to make a distraction, killing a pro and chasing off any nearby civilians should do nicely."

"Can do Boss."

"You won't be on your own I'll attend the funeral as a civilian since no one knows what I look like, as so will Jiro since no one knows about her involvement. We'll move through the crowd and disable any heroes who are trying to get to you that we can get to. That said I want us to avoid killing any UA students for two reasons. One the public will turn them into martyrs and oppose us, and two I'd rather we keep the younger generation around since they could still be molded into truly modle heroes. People who protect others as civil servants not as these over glorified Rockstars."

"Makes sense."

"Thanks for trying to avoid harming my friends," Jiro had a light smile on her face as she looked at Izuku.

Izuku smiled back before carrying on, "now the leaders of Japan won't just sit still while all of this is going on. That's where she comes in." Izuku held up one last gray piece, "The standard getaway procedure for our great nation is for our leaders to take two armored convoys that will be stationed nearby. They will split into two groups and move to separate locations. Mei will be taking care of that, the plan is for her to use her inventions to stop one convoy in it's tracks inside will be our current Prime Minister and she'll destroy the other convoy using her new toys."

"Hey you said the convoys were armored so how's she gonna deal with them?" Jack asked honest curiosity on his face.

"At UA Mei got really good at making her inventions explode, so I helped he developed that talent and we made our own version of a tank mine. I doubt theirs many vehicles that could stand a chance against it. After all is said and done I'll have the Prime Minister relinquish his power to me on the live news coverage for the funeral."

"You know there'll still be heroes who won't go down that easily right," Soei interjected.

"Of course I do but they won't have a choice, the Prime Minister much like the US's president carries a set of launch codes to our nuclear pre-quirk arsenal. All of which is remote control now, so the entirety of Japan will be our hostage. Those heroes will have to back down after I show that off." The dark grins around the table were all Izuku needed to see to realize everyone was on board. "Then in three days let's give em hell, and make them all see RED!"


Wow this has been a journey but to finally make it to the final arc after more than a year. I'm so glad all of you have stuck with me this long.

Thank you all for your support Dante Out.

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