Relationships and Injuries

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Izuku was resting in a one person bed with an IV in his uninjured arm. Toga had taken to the hobby of studying human anatomy mostly so she could draw out more blood from her victims with less effort, but she figured while she was at it she might as well learn how to do some advanced first aid. The results of her hobby was that Izuku was in the bed with his arm covered in burn ointment and bandages, and he had an IV expertly put in his arm. Toga was sitting in a chair off to the side, her hands were still shaking from having to operate on her fiance. Then there were two soft knocks on the door, and Eris voice broke Toga out of her trance. "Mama can I come in?"

Toga looked over at the door slowly and tried to keep her voice cheerful. "Sure come on in sweetie."

Eri opened the door slowly and looked around the room carefully. Having been satisfied that it was safe she ran over to Toga and hoped into her lap. "Mama is Papa going to be up for dinner? I helped uncle Jack make it and I don't want him to miss out."

Toga almost sobbed at Eri's innocent smile and couldn't talk for a few minutes. When she finally found her voice she was clearly distraught. "I don't know sweetie. He got hurt really bad and I don't know when he'll wake up." Toga was trying as hard as she could to not break down until a voice drew her from her sadness.

"How about right now." Came Izuku's crackly voice. He didn't even bother to try to sit up but his eyes were now open and he wore his signature smile.

"Papa!" Eri cried as she jumped off her mother's lap to go hug Izuku. She hugged him for a fraction of a second before jumping away from him. "I'll go get you dinner since you need to rest." She hadn't even finished speaking before she was back out the door.

Izuku made a strange noise before looking at Toga with a fake pout. "She didn't even hesitate to leave me." He said in an equally fake whine.

Toga glared at Izuku as she stomped over to him. His fake pout and joking demeanor disappeared in an instant, and was replaced with fear. "Toga please think about this. I can't defend myself."

His pleas fell on deaf ears as Toga advanced towards him. "You IDIOT!!" She screamed as she punched his uninjured shoulder as hard as she could. "Don't you ever scare me like that again." Izuku was startled when he looked up and saw Toga's eyes filled with tears. She suddenly flung herself into Izuku's chest and began to cry. "I thought I was going to loss you, and I didn't know what I was going to do."

Izuku Ignored the moisture accumulating on his shirt as he rubbed the back of Toga's head in a comforting way. "It's ok babe I'm not going anywhere. Your stuck with me from now on." He smiled and kept rubbing his hand through her hair until Eri came back with a tray of food.

"Look Papa I helped make spaghetti." Eri had the biggest grin on her face as she set the food in front of Izuku.

"You helped make this? You couldn't have helped make this it looks like a professional cook made this." Izuku said in a teasing voice as he tickled his adopted daughter.

Eri dropped to the floor giggling as she tried to crawl away from Izuku, which wasn't hard since he was stuck in a bed. "I did help make it Daddy." She said between giggles as she took shelter in Toga's arms.

The three of them laughed and ate until both Eri and Izuku passed out from exhaustion. Toga smiled at how cute Eri looked sleeping next to Izuku in a chair while he was in their makeshift hospital bed. 'My two sleeping angels' she thought to herself as she left the room. 'Now it's time to get some answers' she told herself as she started to search for the two other female residents of the house.


Jiro and Mei found themselves cornered in the living room by an irritated Toga. "So which one of you two is going to tell me what happened to Izuku?" Her tone had little patience left in it.

Jiro and Mei looked at each other nervously before Mei answers Toga. "Izuku got hurt protecting us from one of the villains that was there." She said meekly.

Toga sighed loudly. "I don't know what I'm going to do with him??" Then she rubbed her face with the palm of her hand in an exhausted way. "At this rate he's going to give me gray hair before I'm twenty-five." Then Toga glanced back up at the two other girls. "Now we need to talk about how you two feel about Izuku."

Jiro went bright red and refused to meet Toga's eyes. Mei however was much more honest about her feelings. "I started to fall in love with him same as you, but he's marrying you so it doesn't matter."

Toga smiled at her sweetly. "Of course it does. I don't mind sharing him."

Jiro now turned to Toga in shock. "What are you talking about you have him to yourself right now. Why would you want to share him that's not a logical decision."

Toga then gave them a smile that was anything but sane. "I like to kill people and make them bleed does it seem like I make logical decisions? Besides if it was just me than Izuku would drive me crazier than before besides I like the two of you, and I know he does too. After all why can't we all be happy?"

Jiro and Mei looked at each other slightly happy, frightened, and confused. "Okay." They said together.

Toga smiled at them still looking less than sane. "Great but the two of you will need to get him to give the ok when he's better. Then we can hammer out the rest of the details when that happens."

Jiro and Mei put on looks of sheer determination. "All right/I can do that." Then they left to prepare their confessions to Izuku.

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