Don't Mess With Eri

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Izuku glared at the boy he used to call his friend. 'I'll give him a chance to explain himself and then I'll give him a fitting punishment' Izuku told himself. "Katsuki why did you kick my daughter." Izuku said his voice usually sounded happy, but was now filled with unbridled rage.

"You think I care about that kid, you bastard?" Katsuki seemed smug when Izuku's started to show just how pissed he was. "She's not even your kid. She's just some brat you found in a street. We're going to make sure you remember your place beneath us." At the end of his mini rant two people stepped out behind him, and Izuku instantly recognized them as his two lackeys from middle school.

'He was planning this' Izuku realized. The two of them grinned and Izuku noticed Toga reaching for her knife out of the corner of his eye. He put his hand on her shoulder to calm her for now and whispered. "Call Soei, tell him to come here we'll be bringing two "guests"." Toga nodded and grabbed her phone. "So why are you two still with Katsuki even if he's weak now?"

The two of them looked at each other and laughed at Izuku. "Katsuki is still so much stronger than you, and we're going to make sure that the little Deku remembers where he should be." One said smugly. Then the other spoke up. "Yeah how dare you try to show off how good your life is now. When we're done you'll be black and blue and what's yours will be ours." Izuku realized with horror that he was staring at Toga and Eri with lustful eyes. Izuku barely noticed Soei appear behind the boys as his vision went red.

Izuku rushed forward and grabbed Katsuki covering his mouth as he lifted him a foot off the ground one handed. Katsuki stared in fear as he was forced to look into his old victim's rage filled ruby eyes. Soei grabbed the two other boys, and covered their mouths. All three boys watched in horror as Izuku's body started to change into a red liquid other than his arm holding Katsuki. The liquid started to swirl and expand until Izuku had changed into Carnage before them. "Soei take those two back to base while I finish up here." Soei nodded and the three of them disappeared into the shadows. Izuku turned his attention back to Katsuki. "Alright bitch. I've been thinking of the right punishment for you and I think I've got it. Your dream was to be a great hero to have the world know and love you. I'm going to kill you and leave no evidence no one will know and the world will forget your existence. Because your life won't have ment anything to anyone, and given time even your parents will forget you." Izuku watched with satisfaction as Katsuki started to cry. Then he smiled showing all of his fangs, before opening his mouth to an insanely wide opening. The world was none the wiser as Katsuki Bakugo disappeared from its surface.

Izuku held Eri close as he carried her home. Toga was right next to him and hung on to his arm more aggressively than normal, as they walked she stroked Eri's hair to calm the girl.


The small group didn't even get one step into the house before they were interrogated by the other part of their family. Mei and Jiro grabbed Eri and Toga, so they could look after the poor girl. Soei and Jack cornered Izuku to question him over the days events. When Izuku told them about their run in with his childhood bullies Soei clenched his fists hard enough to draw blood from his palms, and Jack destroyed the nearest thing he could find. It happened to be a metal folding chair that he turned into a metal pretzel.

When Soei looked like he'd calmed down enough to talk to Izuku decided to ask something that had been bothering him. "Hey Soei where are those two you grabbed?"

Soei looked up startled. "I put them where we had Mei and Jiro for a little bit. Why?"

Izuku glared in the direction of the room in question. "I want to blow off some steam." Then he started heading for the two bullies. Izuku was vaguely aware that Jack was following him while slamming his fists together, and Soei was behind him pulling out some of his throwing knives.

The three of them made their way over to the room and threw the door open with a bang. The two bullies starred at them as they walked closer to them. Izuku glared at the skinny one who was watching his girlfriend and daughter with lustful eyes. 'His quirk was extendable fingers I think. Wonder how they'll sound when I snap them.'

Izuku was lost in his train of thought until Jack woke him up. "Hey boss how do you want to do this?"

"Huh?" Izuku noticed both Soei and Jack were waiting for him to say something. Then it clicked with him what they wanted to know. "You two can deal woth the fatass over there." Izuku said pointing at the boy who flinched. "His quirk lets him grow retractable wings, feel free to clip ththem if you want." The boys started to cry as Izuku spoke about what was going to happen to them.

Izuku then turned his attention back to his prey. His left hand split into six segments each one formed into a torture tool, then he held his right hand over the boy's chest and it fell off. As soon the hand made contact it changed into a liquid and disappeared into his skin. "If your wondering what just happened," Izuku said to the bewildered boy, "I tore off a piece of myself to heal you so you don't kick the bucket too soon."

Izuku started by breaking one bone and waited for it to heal, then he broke two bones. His game continued till he got to forty bones and the boy was screaming for it to stop. Izuku then glanced over his shoulder to see Jack had chained the fat boy's arms to the ceiling and was using him as a punching bag, while Soei was throwing knives into his wing which were pinned to a wall. Both groups went on torturing for thirty more minutes until Jack and Soei accidentally killed their victim. Izuku who had hit 206 bones (The amount in an adult body) about ten minutes ago decided to speed things up. An hour later Izuku finally let the poor boy die, then he turned to see Jack and Soei staring at him with respect and a little fear for what he'd done.


Izuku had spent the next hour with Toga before he finally started to feel better. He'd just gotten dressed after a shower and was leaving Toga sleeping in their bed as he exited the room quietly. He didn't get more than two steps before he heard the voice of the person he was looking for.


Izuku tirned to she his daughter there with her favorite stuffed rabbit tucked under her arm. She was staring up at him adorably. "Yes sweetie." Izuku said as her rubbed her head affectionately.

"C-can we watch a movie?" The way she tilted her head to the side as she asked with puppy dog eyes melted Izuku's heart.

"Of course baby." With that he scooped her up into his arms and went to the living room. They sat down and started Eri's favorite princess movie when the phone rang. Izuku got up to answer it. "You keep watching sweetie Papa will be right back."

When Izuku picked up the phone the response he got startled him. "Hey Carnage we've got a fun job for you." 'Shigaraki!! Wonder what he wants.'

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