Campfire songs

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It took fifteen minutes for Izuku to gdt in contact with Soei, and to regroup with him. Izuku couldn't find words to describe his relief when his trusted friend told him that the league had captured Toderoki, and that they could go home. He was still in an unbelievable amount of pain, but he couldn't figure out why as it appeared his body had fixed the damage to himself. Soei took both the girls back to the base but returned without a mask and had a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong boss? You need to tell me now." His voice was calm but it was clear that it wasn't up for debate.

"I just got a little burned is all. Truth be told it's probably just phantom pains at this point."

"Why'd you get burned in the first place. I've seen how fast you can move, you shouldn't have gotten hit in the first place." Soei crossed his arms and looked at Izuku expecting an answer.

"I took the hit for Jiro and Mei, Ok. It was either I get hurt or they die so it was a no brainier." Izuku watched his friend carefully to see how he'd react.

Soei watched him blankly for a few seconds then burst out laughing. "Your an idiot you know that? We do all these terrible things and when the opportunity arises you'll always play the hero." Soei was now trying to stifle his laughter. "Come on lets head home." With that Soei grabbed onto Izuku's shoulder and the two of them sank into the shadows.


Soei and Izuku appeared right outside of their hideout and could already hear an uproar from within. The two looked at each other and Soei broke the silence. "So boss you want to risk it?" Izuku sighed as he opened the door to see what was going on.

Inside the living room Izuku saw where all the noise was coming from. Toga was threatening Jack with a large knife as they argued about something. Jiro and Mei were playing with Eri but were mostly trying to make sure she didn't see here mother threatening people with knives. Then Izuku started to hear their conversation.

"Jack get out of my way. I'm going to look for Izuku."

"Come on Toga calm down Izuku's a big boy, he can take care of himself." Jack was trying to stay away from the knife point but also block Toga's path, it seemed to be quite the challenge.

"I don't care I need to make sure he's okay." Toga said her mood was obviously starting to swing for the first time. Then Toga locked eyes with Izuku and dropped her knife. She sprinted at Izuku with tears running down her face. "Izu!!!!" She hugged him fiercely and wouldn't let go. "Don't you dare scare me like that again. I was so worried I wouldn't see you again."

Toga started to bawl as Izuku rubbed the top of her head affectionately. "Shhh. It's ok I'm here now. I'm not going to leave you." Then he rested his chin on top of her head as he moved his hand to rub the back of her head. "Everything is just fine I'm home and I love you too."

As soon as he finished Toga looked up at him with watery eyes. "Then give me a kiss." She said in a fake pout.

Izuku chuckled as he shifted back to his normal state only to find that he was in an unbelievable amount of pain. Toga made a sharp gasping sound and all eyes turned to them. Izuku looked down slowly at his arm to see what was wrong, he instantly regretted that choice. His arm was covered in horrible burns and didn't appear to have an inch of skin left on it. his fingers were charred black and crackled sickeningly when he tried to move them. After staring at his arm for a few seconds Izuku blacked out from the pain, and Soei caught him as he fell.


Toga sat by Izuku's bed as he remained out cold. She looked over coldly at Jiro and Mei. "How did this happen?" Their wasn't a trace of friendliness in her voice now as she glared at them.

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