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"Deep breaths.. Deep breaths." Taehyung says as he shakily sighs, his back leaning against the cold tile walls of the small bathroom-- his hands on his hair as he frustratedly tugged in it

He woke up with a pain throbbing headache, naked and alone on the bed as he looked on his thighs with dried white substances on it.

He freaked out, and panicked.

"Fuck." Taehyung cussed, waiting for good three minutes as he stared at the small pregnancy test on the table that was a bit away from him

Bitung his lip, he made his way to the table. His heart was beating faster than any backstage preparations he had before. This-- could change his whole damn life. Just this one test.

He closed his eyes tightly, feeling the fairly thick item on his palm as he breathed out deep. Slowly, he flutters his eyes open directly staring at the test on his hand.


Tears welled up his eyes. "Shit.. Aaaa.." He silently yelled in frustration as he threw the test away from him, why was he too careless to let this happen?!

"What do I tell manager nim? What about my career?" He cries, sobbing as he tried to remain quiet and not too loud

He didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't know which was even worst.

The fact that he was pregnant ?


The fact that his sworn enemy, the idol-- JEON JUNGKOOK was the father of the baby he was having?

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