Seventy Five: Taekook interview

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A phone call interrupts Taehyung and Jungkook's peacful slumber. The alpha had his arms gently wrapped around his mate's baby bump, his head nuzzled to Taehyung's messy bed hair when suddenly a familiar ringtone went on.

"Pick it up, kookie.." Taehyung sleepily groans, stirring his head to the pillow he was laying. "Still sleepy." He whispers, going back to his slumber once the alpha had reached to pick up his phone.

"Yoongi hyung?" He yawns, carefully sitting up and making sure his mate was still comfortable.

"Good morning Jungkook ah." The male greets, "I am sorry to interrupt the two of you from resting. I have recieved tons of interview offers the night before- and I'm here to announce that both of our companies have agreed on letting you both participate on one of the interviews to clear up the situation."

"I see," Jungkook rubs his eyes, ruffling his hair as he looks back to his mate with a smile. "Is it okay if we're a little late? I don't want to bother Taehyung from his slumber. He is sleeping for two, afterall."

"Oh, don't worry. The interview is still five hours away. I suggest you two come here an hour before, so that we can give you a heads up about the interview." Yoongi explains from the other line, with the alpha nodding along though the manager couldn't see him.

"Alright. Just text me the meet up place. See you there hyung. Thanks for telling me." Jungkook says, exchanging goodbyes with Yoongi as soon as the male had agreed to what he said.

He hangs up, placing the phone back to the nightstand befote crawling back to Taehyung who was sound asleep on the bed. "Tae? Yoongi said we are gonna participate on an interview today." The alpha spoke with a gentle voice, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Hmm, go away." Taehyung mumbled, though he didn't make a move on pushing Jungkook away from him. "I wanna sleep."

"I know baby." Jungkook then rubs circles to his baby bump. "Just sleep, I'll make us some good breakfast."

"Don't burn the kitchen." The omega swiftly replies, making the alpha laugh. "I won't. Now go back to sleep, you need it." He presses another peck on his cheek again.

Taehyung didn't respond, showing Jungkook that he was already sleeping which made the alpha smile at how pure Taehyung was especially when he is sleeping.

"Damn, I'm so fucking lucky to have you and our son." He whispers, admiring his mate for awhile- at how much thankful he is waking up next to him. When he was satisfied, he leaves the bed- covering Taehyung's body with their shared blanket before going to the bathroom to do his business first.


It wasn't long until Taehyung woke up, having enough hours of sleep which set his mood to a good one. He slowly sat up, resting his back to the bed's head before caressing his bump.

"Good morning too, our little angel. Thanks to your dad we have slept well." The omega spoke, smiling. "I'm sure you're hungry, let's go and eat up whatever Jungkook made." He rubs his eyes, yawning as he wore the fluffy house slippers he had- walking out of their bedroom and making his way downstairs to where Jungkook was.

"Good morning baby." Jungkook greets, pecking his mates lips before taking off the apron he was wearing. "Come on, breakfast's ready and still hot."

A smile then was spread across Taehyung's lips, making his way to the dining table as the alpha guided him on taking a seat. "Is this edible?" He teased, though it wasn't the first time he had eaten something that Jungkook made.

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