Sixty Seven: A call for help

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Jungkook sighs, doubting if he could even trust Hoseok or not.

"I-I kept everything in this camera." Hoseok explains, "I was there when the car accident took place." He confessed, with Jungkook getting hooked to it.

"Are you saying that we're using that against the culprit? Yoongi?" The alpha raises an eyebrow, with Hoseok's eyes widening in surprise.

"N-no! It was not Yoongi who caused it, nor did it on purpose!" He cried, as if he was to announce something big. "It was someone you thought would be there for you when this day happens!"

"Who?" Jungkook furrows his eyebrows, alot of names running through his head. "Stop stalling and spill!"

"It's her!" Hoseok raises his voice aswell, as he couldn't help it from how much the pressure was pressed on him. "Jiwoo! Your sister! She hired me to expose the two of you, she manipulated and threatened me!"

The alpha was speechless. He froze to where he stood as it hit him a thousand times. His palm balls into a fist, eyes shaking as he could feel his blood boil from anger.

"Jiwoo.." He growls, suddenly remembering that his mate was under her watch. "Fuck!" He began to walk-- or even run to Taehyung's ward. His mind went blank, having nothing but anger and regret.

If only he listened to his inner guts. The calling of his mate. If he wasn't doubting, Taehyung would've--

A loud ring was heard from the nurse's area- with them standing in alert at how many times it was being pressed.

"Assistance for room 18, patient signed in Kim Taehyung. Repeat, assistance for room 18--"

In a short span of time- he could see Seokjin on sight, passing by him with nurse Namjoon behind- rushing to the room which was near to where he was.


If no one could help him the very moment he needs it, he would have to help himself.

Swiftly, he turns his head to the side- gasping for air that he had lacked. He took big breaths, not wasting any of his time as his other hand furiously tapped the table beside him to feel for an item he could use.

As soon as Jiwoo was caught of guard, he grips on the flower vase he blindly found- swinging it up hoping that he could hit the beta that was trying to put an end on his life.

Fortunately, he had swung it right exactly on Jiwoo's head. The impact wasn't too strong- but it gave Taehyung time to escape the suffocation. He throws the pillow to the side, gasping as he looks up at the red button on the wall.

"How dare you--" Before Jiwoo can even take revenge- Taehyung presses the button multiple times, the distant ringing was heard as he glares.

He slowly sat up, hand on his stomach as he tries to stay strong for his son. He felt too traumatized, being suffocated helpless on his own hospital bed makes him want to cry it all out.

"You--" He coughs, speaking in a rather harsh tone. "S-stay the fuck away or e-else," He stutters, breathing uneven as he kept his eyes locked to Jiwoo who smirks at him.

"Or else what? Will the nurses even believe you?" She snickers. "I can easily twist things, Taehyung." By then she grabs the broken piece of the vase that fell on the floor, approaching the omega who glared but was too weak to fight nor run- because of how heavy his bump was and how his energy was sucked up.

"If I couldn't kill you, I might aswell just make you suffer for the rest of your life!" She raises the sharp item, aiming for his bump with the most evil smirk on her face.

"PLEASE NO!" Taehyung sobs, arms reaching to his bump as if it would give him protection. "N-not my son! Not my son!" He cried, shaking his head violently as he was having a mental breakdown.

He was stressed.

He waited for the cut to happen, to feel the pain on his stomach yet it never came. Instead, he heard a loud scary growl- it sent shivers down his spine as he slowly looks up with teary eyes.

"Don't ever, ever hurt Taehyung." Jungkook glares at Jiwoo, hand wrapped around her wrist to stop her from what she was about to do.

"Jungkook.." She trails off, shocked. Before she could even explain, the grip on her wrist tightens to the moment it was trembling- resulting for her to let go of the sharp piece she was holding. "I-it hurts, you're hurting me!"

"I'm hurting you?" Jungkook asks, before laughing in a scary yet sarcastic way. His eyes were filled with dominance and rage, as if he could really kill anyone by just the look he gives. "Why don't you eat what you said? You wanted to hurt my mate, don't you think it's fair for me to hurt you.. Maybe twice more harsher than you were about to do?" His grip never went loose, with Jiwoo helplessly wincing in pain.

Taehyung was shaking, sobbing as he was being calmed by Namjoon and Seokjin. "Deep breaths Tae. Come on, for your baby." He inhales, exhaling sharply as he held on his bump. "It hurts.." He whispers, with Seokjin catching up to what he meant.

"It's because of the sudden breakdown and stress. Contractions came along with your negative emotions." Seokjin assures, trying to keep him calm. "It'll be gone if you calm down."

The omega continues to follow Seokjin's breathing pattern, calming himself as he closes his eyes. "I'm scared.." He cried, biting his lower lip as another wave of contraction hit him.

Jungkook glares at Jiwoo one last time. "I'll make you pay for every single thing you have done." He smirks, pushing her to the nearest wall causing for her sudden fall- too weak to even stand for herself. "Pathetic." He spat. He then turns to his mate upon hearing his cry of pain, eyes softening as worry began to fill his guts.

"B-bunny.." Taehyung calls, "It hurts.." He whines- staring at Jungkook with glossy eyes.

"Carrot, hey, listen to Seokjin. Deep breaths, the pain will go away. Stay strong please?" Jungkook held his unoccupied hand, kissing it as he tries his best to comfort the wolf- even if he wasn't really good at it.

"I'm here now, okay?" He assures again, with Taehyung nodding his head furiously as he tried his best to fight with the stomach pains he was getting.

"Now that I am here, I'll make sure no one will hurt you like this." Jungkook looks at his mate in the eye, "To those who hurt you and my baby, I'll make sure they pay. I promise you that."


Taetae is so stressed ><
Double update as to what you ggukies wanted!
I hope you enjoyed!

Also, how is the story so far? Do I write it okay?


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