Fifty Two: Truth

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"Taehyung ah, please tell us what's wrong?" Jimin tries to ask for the nth time, but this had only made Taehyung sob harder.

He could only shake his head, trying not to cry further as he desperately caressed his bump. "I-I don't wanna," He breathes out shakily. "Don't w-wanna misunderstand.."

"We know Tae.." Yoongi sighs. "I have told Jungkook about you crying, but it's best if you guys talk it out at home, and once you are not crying too."

The omega yet again didn't respond, too busy sobbing and calming himself down. He didn't want to react like that, but his emotions reached its peak and it overflowed like a glass that had been too full. He didn't mean to create such scene inside the café, it embarrassed him but he couldn't do anything about it anymore.

Jimin slides a glance to Yoongi, silently telling him to drive as he transfers to the backseat beside the crying wolf. He sighs, placing a hand to his womb aswell- just ontop of his hand. "I don't want you to cry Taetae, it pains me too." His thumb caressed the top of Taehyung's hand, with the wolf appreciating his touch.

"I-I'm trying," He says desperately, wiping his tears with his other free hand. "Remember the time you made me stop crying because you hated it too?" Jimin recalls with Taehyung looking back at him this time.

"Now it's my turn to make you stop crying, because I hate it more to see you like this." He says with a soft voice, with the omega laying his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes as he tries to stop his tears from flowing.

"K-kookie.." Taehyung stutters, "He didn't do it to hurt me right?" He asks, more like to Jimin who didn't have the exact words of what to say. Instead he caressed the omega's hair, with the car ride going silent up until they finally reached home.


"Is he coming?" Jimin asks Yoongi, leaving Taehyung to stay in his room since he complained about having constant backpains- normal to his state of pregnancy.

"Yeah," Yoongi rereads the text on his phone. "He still wouldn't want us involved in this, he said that everything would be settled soon." His tone was also a little confused, wanting to know why Jungkook would not even tell Taehyung anything at the first place.

Now he misunderstood everything.

"I hope he has a good reason.." Jimin hugs his mate. "Taehyung seems to be hurt about what had happened earlier."

"Ah, I swear, what's up with the two." Yoongi could only hug his mate back, knowing that Jimin also needed comfort through everythimg he had been through. "I just hope Jungkook isn't back to being a jerk." He sighs, with Jimin completely agreeing with him.

After a while of discussing their mate-to-mate topics, the doorbell rang furiously. Behind stood a worried and nervous Jungkook, a little bothered to see his mate cry- and it was all because of his stupidity.

"He's in his room." Jimin says, opening the door wide only for Jungkook to dash inside, scurrying upstairs as the scent of jasmine invaded his nostrils then again- a smell that he was addicted to.

"Tae?" Gently, he balls his fist and knocks on the door. He hears a shuffle, then silence. He waited for a little while for his mate to open the door, already processing what he would say first when the door opens.

But nothing came to open. The alpha sighs, hand on the knob. "I'll come in now." He twists the round object, pushing it as he steps forward to enter. Now he can clearly smell the sweet scent, something he would often encounter whenever Taehyung marks him off at home.

Taehyung was seated on the bed, back leaning to the bedrest with a pillow to support him- their fluffy blanket covering him like a cute burrito. He had puffy eyes, red pouty lips as he turned to look away from Jungkook's direction.

"Tae baby.." He spoke, but the omega was quick to reply. "Don't call me that." His tone was a little harsh, but it was shaky as if he was trying not to stutter anymore.

"I can explain," Jungkook moves to the bed, sittinf at the edge as Taehyung didn't budge. "But first of all, I am sorry for what happened earlier." The alpha began, reaching for Taehyung who had tears collecting in his eyes.

"S-so you did cheat on me?" His voice broke, a tear running down his cheek as the thought of it pained him already. Just when he had thought Jungkook wasn't being a jerk and actually had been loyal to him turned into a painful twist.

Taehyung didn't even notice that he was practically sobbing again, emotions getting the best of him as he shuts his eyes. Jungkook felt like his whole life had been non existent- he never wanted his mate to cry because of him. Now that he actually is, he felt extremely guilty.

"What?" Upon hearing the assumption, Jungkook couldn't help but furrow his eyebrow. "No Tae.. What are you talking about?" He was confused- why would his mate think he would cheat on him?

"That Jiwoo girl!" He sobs. "She stole you from me and I know it! She took your time away and now she broke us!" Taehyung ranted nonstop, feeling his heart beat even faster as to how mad he was. Jungkook began to get worried about it- having him rant means that he would also be stressed, and being stressed would be unhealthy for him.

"Taehyung." Jungkook clears his throat, tone purposely loud as he reached for his hand. "Listen to me." He says with a more dominant voice, with the omega completely shutting up and whimpering in submission.

Once the omega was calm, Jungkook knew it was the opportunity to explaon his side. "Jiwoo. Is that the girl you've been worrying? I am so sorry Taehyung ah, for not telling you. I feel like it's really all my fault. But please don't stress yourself out." He squeezed his hand a little, but the omega wasn't up for long excuses.

"Her full name is Jeon Jiwoo." Jungkook shortly gets to the main point, sighing as he continued anyways.

"Jeon Jiwoo, a beta and she is my sister." A smile of pain was then shown across his face.

"I knew it Taehyung," He says. "I finally knew the truth of everything- the explaination that kept us from staying with each other before."

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