Chapter Four: Jennie

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Lisa woke up in shock. She stood up, still breathing hard. It was just a dream.

"Lisa no it's just a dream it's just a dream." She muttered to herself. She looked at the clock, it was 8:30AM. She still has to fetch Rosé in the boarding station.

She quickly got dressed, ate breakfast, got her two swords in case something bad will happen. She opened the front door and ran going to Rosé's house.

She knocked on her door, waiting for Rosé to come out. Then surprise, it opened. There appeared a beautiful Chaeyoung. She was carrying two bags that were very heavy, and she was wearing a beautiful dress.

"You look beautiful, Roseanne." Lisa said.

"Aww, thank you." Rosé was touched.

"Let me carry those two." Lisa got the two bags and they headed down to the station.

It was so crowded that 20 boats can hold all the people.

They headed to the boat where Rosé's destination will go. The servants got the bags and put it to the destined places of the bags. Before Rosé could go, she hugged Lisa in a tight hug.

"I'm gonna miss you too Lili." Rosé said.

"Me too. Have a safe trip okay!"

"Yeah sure!" Rosé was about to walk on the platform, but she returned to Lisa and kissed her in the cheeks.

"I love you Lis. Please be aware of that Light Fury also."

"Of course Rosé I will always be aware. I don't want you to lose me."

"Okay Lis I have to go now. Goodbye!" Rosé quickly went to the boat. Lisa just waves at her while Chaeyoung waves at her back. The boat started to move and went farther to the station.

Lisa quickly left the station and head to the place where she's planning to go.

The woods.

There was a cliff with a lake below it

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There was a cliff with a lake below it. She jumped down the cliff and looked at her surroundings. There was just peace. The trees were whooshing and the birds were singing their songs. But Lisa felt something bad happening.

While it's peaceful she could sense a bad feeling. She slowly turned around, and met a lady, glaring at her.

The lady was on top of the big rock. She jumped down and went closer to Lisa. With every step, Lisa steps back. As the lady got closer, she sniffed Lisa's neck, then her face. The lady just runs away after. But Lisa could still see where she was going. She might've fell on the cliff and can't fly up since she's in her human form.

"That lady must be hungry right now." Lisa told herself. She got her katana and looked down the lake. There were lots of fishes swimming underwater. Maybe catching one would help the lady.

She stabbed one of them and got her katana up again. She got the fish and put her katana back on her back.

The lady was lying down in an inhuman position. Her naked figure is making Lisa dizzy. Her skin was pale white. Her blonde hair was shining underneath the sunlight. Her purple cat-like eyes were dazing. She was beautiful indeed. But Lisa can't love her, she already has Chaeyoung.

Lisa walked slowly towards the lady. Not wanting to hurt her but to give her the fish.

The lady stood up as she can smell that wonderful scent of the fish. She looked up to Lisa and went towards her. She sniffed the fish and her mouth was open. But still not eating it.

Lisa looked at her mouth and saw that there were no teeth. "Toothless. You don't have any t-"

Suddenly the lady's teeth appeared from her gums and took the fish from Lisa's hand with her mouth. She turned away from Lisa, still eating the fish.

"T-that was raw. You must cook it first before you eat it." Lisa was JUNGSHOOK. Her eyes were big and her mouth was opened. The lady looked back to her and went towards Lisa again. She sniffed her face again and this time, she got Lisa's hand where she held the fish.

She faced Lisa's palm on her mouth and licked it.

"EWWWWWWW! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Lisa removed her hand from her and quickly went to the lake to wash it.

"I want more fish." The lady finally speaked. Her voice sounded like a baby. "I'm very hungry."

"Okay okay wait." Lisa got her katana and stabbed it underwater. She put it up and this time, three fishes were caught. She removed it from the blade and left it on the ground for the lady to eat it.

"How come you can eat it raw?" Lisa asked.

"It's my nature. And remember we are different." She took a bite of the fish.

Lisa cleared her throat. "Light Fury is your name right?"

"That's what they call me human. And you shouldn't make me obvious if I'm in my human form. If you're talking to me just call me Jennie perhaps."

"Jennie huh? Well, what a nice name." Lisa smirked. And suddenly, she frowned. "Now tell me Jennie, why are you endangering our people? You killed a thousands of us. Our nation is in danger because of you."

"Your people, killed my fellow dragons." Jennie gritted her teeth. She pounced at Lisa with her hand on her chest. "Your people, are gonna have to pay for what they did. I just wanted to have peace!"

"Listen Jennie! A long time ago this land was filled with your filthy dragons and they couldn't stop attacking us! There was only one person who saved us from the dragons which was the best Dragon Hunter Billie Eilish!" Lisa laughed. "And since she's having a hard time killing you, I'm going to help her hunt you down with my dragon sword and this place will be finally in peace!"

Jennie growled when Lisa said those words.

"You son of a bitch." Jennie sweared. "Our kind weren't doing anything to your people at all. They are the ones who wanted to kill us. We were just defending ourselves from your people. With our full defense we breathe fire, to make people scared of us and learn that they shouldn't kill others since that's against nature!"

Lisa just laughs again. "So you're trying your defend yourself now? Since you're the only dragon, you should have full defense before we kill you. Remember Jennie, you're the one who is in danger. So prepare yourself and I'll see you again next time." Lisa left her, still laughing. (She knows how to get up from the cliff since she could jump really high. So she used the big rock and jumped on it and jumped again going back to the woods.)

(Btw, sorry i have bad english.)

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