1. Evan The Owl

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Vanoss Pov. 

All that I remember is being with Lui, Tyler, Luke, and Brain at Lui's place. Then we went for a midnight walk to relieve some stress. Youtube was hard work but we love it. We made enough video's to last us a couple months so yay vacation! We were down the street until out of nowhere, a van popped up and shoved all of us in. That's all I remember. I don't know how I got turned into an owl which confused me, and placed in someone's yard. Next thing I knew, a door flew open which caused me to shut my eyes closed. I got scared thinking it's the men that took us. "Hey their little guy." I opened my eyes to see a man with messy brownish hair. I blinked a couple more times to get a better look to find out he had ocean blue eyes that I was memorized by. "Are you lost little guy?" Something about his voice sounded familiar, but I don't know where. I laid their tired, mesmerized. "Well little guy you're in my back yard of my house." No shit Sherlock I kind of figured that out. I just laughed at my own joke. I looked at him. He looked like he was hesitating to do something. He came on both knees close to me, he raised his hand close to me. I got scared again till he started to rub me on the head on the right side. It felt so good. I moved my head for him to scratch more down. God it got better and better. "Well then, do you have a name little owl?" I said my name is Evan, I knew better not to speak knowing he can't understand me, but my mouth moved on its own before my brain could. Only one word came out was just a happy owl sound. He started to laugh a little. He then sat in front of me. "Can you get up?" I tried, but I couldn't. A sad face came on. For some reason it hurt me seeing that. He came closer to me. I closed my eyes shut. "Hey, don't worry I'm not going to hurt you." He picked me up and placed me on his lap, then for some reason I felt safe. He started to pet me again. That jerk. "Ok now then." He placed me back to the ground asking me if I could get up again. I did. I did a happy dance till a strong pain came that made me fall, but before I could hit the ground, he caught me and put me around his arms. "O shit are you ok? Sorry I forced you. But you did look happy when you stood though." He looked at me worried. He then made a shocked expression. He bolted up running inside the house, still having me in his arms. He grabbed something fast and went out the front door. We were in a truck. He placed me on the passenger seat, turned on the car and drove off. He pulled out his phone dialing a number then brought it to his ear talking to someone. I didn't really pay attention to the conversation and I didn't know he was done talking until he started to stroke me with his hand while he was using the other hand to drive the wheel. I guess he realized he needs to set me free or something. I guess he's going to the zoo maybe to get rid of me. That hurt me. I closed my eyes to take a little nap. After 20 minutes we stopped. I looked at him seeing he took out his phone talking to someone again. He opened the door, picked me up and went to the building. I was able to see it was the vet! I panicked! Why are we here?! He walked beside the building. Where are we going?! I looked up to see him concerned. "Come on Henry." Henry? Who's he? I saw the door open. The man quickly put me in his jacket "You really need tell me why you needed me when the vet is closed and has been for like 40 minutes. You're lucky I'm still here," the man says. "Come on Henry I kind of need a favor," the man holding me say's. "You know I can get fired if I do this right?" Henry say's. "Yes, but I remember someone saying, 'I really owe you big time, if there's anything you need I'll be their,' since the tickets I got him were sold out concert and I happen to help my dear friend get 2 for him and his GF who she deeply rewarded him." I'm pretty sure the man is grinning. I laughed a little seeing he backstab him with his own words. "Fuck you. Come on," Henry said going in with the man following. I'm happy I can see where we are going a bit. "Hi Makayla," the man said. "O hi, how you been?" She said from the counter.

"Pretty good. I guess you kept Henry in check?"

"Of course. I mean we have been dating for a while. Man, I still remember every moment we had at the concert." She smiled big. "What brings you here?"

"O yea. I'm here for something I need Henry to help me with. I'll see you later," he said continuing to follow Henry. We entered a room.

"Ok J what is that you need?" Henry said sitting down. The Man pulled me out of his jacket.

"HOLY SHIT!" The man shushed him. "I mean for real. An Owl? In North Carolina? That's shocking. They only have them in Zoo's." He reached to pet me, but I didn't let him. I snuggled closer to the man.

"Dude Owls are hard to get along with. How did you get it to you know? Be comfortable with you and how the heck you found it? Did you tell-"

"Henry imma make this short. I found him in my back yard and I guess he just got I don't know shock about me and here we are, so I need you because he's bleeding on his stomach I don't think he knows." As soon I heard that I tried to stand up on the man's lap but couldn't. "Can you help Henry?" I was weak now. I couldn't get up no more. What the fuck, I was just fine a couple of seconds ago. 

"OK Give ummm. Is it a male or female?" He looked me thinking. I'm a fucking male and I ain't letting you check asshole. "It's a male. Positive." Did he just read my mind?

"How do you know?"

"I don't know I have a feeling he is. Just looking at him I guess. I bet he said, 'I'm a fucking male'." Does read fucking minds?!

"Ok I need you to go in the waiting room Blue," Henry held his hands out, taking me and letting the man leave. No come back please! Please I'm scared stay with me! All came out of me was Hoo's. The man looked at me. He walked back up to Henry and holding me again will quick saying, "It's alright buddy. I'll be right outside you don't have to be worried or terrified. If anything happens I'll punch Henry ok?"

"I'm right here you know," Henry said pissed.

"So, I'll see you soon buddy," the man said petting me and placing me back in Henrys arms before leaving. No please! I was terrified. I hooed for him to come back. Henry placed me down on the table. "Ok little guy I need to get you fixed up." He then inserted a needle in me. Nooo.... Please... Next, I fell asleep.

After an hour, I woke up by a familiar touch of strong arms. I opened my eyes to see I was in the man arms again. Thank god for that.

"So, what are you going to do with him? Throw him in the zoo. They can take care of him you know. Plus, it is illegal to keep an owl here."

"I know that Henry just let me think. When he gets better I'll let him free. Right now, he's still hurt. I'll figure something later. Plus, the gang is coming to visit me in a couple of days, so I think I have enough to worry about." The man got up. "Thanks for the help though. I'll see you later."

"You to Blue." They waved goodbye and left. 30 minutes later I was back in his house. He placed me on the couch. I was still tired from all that happened. He came back and sat next to me. He put half an apple in front of me while he was eating the other half. I was happy. I started to eat the apple. He smiled about that. I licked his hand as a thanks. He petted me and got up to go upstairs. I finished the apple and flew to throw it in the bin. "Smart bird. But don't over work yourself ok? I don't you getting more hurt. I don't you want you bleeding all over the place, ok?" he said before continuing upstairs. I flew to land on his shoulder. "Polly want a cracker?" Are you serious? He laughed at my reaction. He went to his bed and laid down placing me on his stomach scratching my neck. I could feel he has a pack. Shit I'm blushing. Thank you feathers. "What should I call you because calling you owl isn't really a name. How about Blue?" I shook my head. "Ok then picky, what shall it be?" he asked. I tried talking but, hoo's was the only thing that came out of me. He looked at his counter desk next to him, grabbing his phone scrolling down. "Evybear..." I was shocked and looked at him. "Sorry that was stupid of me. Just that I put that as my friend's name when he texts me I know who it is. Plus, a friend did me a favor taking a picture of him with a cute teddy bear. His names Evan. Shit I bet he would be happy if he meant you. He's a big fan for owls. Imma call you Evybear because I don't know you remind me of him. Plus, you look like his owls with bright yellow eyes with your brown feather." I just hoo'd as he started to pet me. I was so confused but purred at the touch. Did I know him? I never seen him before. He must be talking about someone else. I imagine Delirious calling me that since he was a fan of teddy bears. I smiled at the thought. "But if others come, I'll call you Hoodini. How does that sound?" I hoo'd for that one. He smiled and yawned. I laid next to him to sleep. He started to pet me softly. It was comforting. "Night Evybear." He kissed my forehead and said "Night Evan." I fell asleep.

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