15. Luke's Run

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Luke pov.

I ran fast I could away. I can hear Mini calling for me, but I didn't want to be near him. I turned to see how far I was from Mini, but bumped into man. He looked at me, but I kept running. I looked back seeing Mini pass the man coming close to me. I turned to an ally, but it was a dead end. I was about to turn back, but Mini was there. He walked up to me. I sat down and just cried. Mini tried to reach me, but I would send hisses and scratches making sure he doesn't come closer. I couldn't take it. Maybe it wasn't meant to be. Maybe mini was supposed to be with Ohm and not me. Tyler came into the ally. Running up to us. He came next to me nudging me on the neck. I should be happy for them. I cried again. "Hey why are you crying? Is it because of me?" I just looked down. "Ohm is worried about you, come on. Let's go back," Mini said. Maybe I should. Even if I can't have Ohm I should let him be happy. I'm a cat so I can't do anything, but stay by his side. I brought my head up. Mini hesitated to pick me up. I got up and walked to his hand. He picked me up and turned, but froze. I looked up to see a man I bumped to. He was tall and buff. He had blue eyes with brown hair. He walked up to Mini until he was in front of him. "Hello son." It shocked me and Tyler. This was Mini's dad! "Why did you leave home," he growled.

"I-I-I went –t-to visit-m-my friends." Craig was scared, I could tell. Tyler pulled Mini's pants telling him to get back. "O look a pig. Looks like you found some bacon for us to eat," Craig's dad said grabbing Tyler's back legs and picking him up. "Leave Wildcat alone!" Craig yelled but soon covered his mouth. He looked at Craig and punched him. Craig fell to the ground dropping me. I looked at him having tears on his eye's. He's the one who abused Craig. "Don't you ever talk back to me!" Craig dad said going close to him. Craig started going back until he was stopped by the wall. I was pissed. No one messes with my friends. I jumped up to the man face taking my claws out and stretched it as hard as I could. He screamed grabbing me throwing me into the dumpster top and me falling in. I fell in with the lid closing the top Everything hurt, but I had to get up. I jumped on the bags pushing the lid up, getting out. I hid behind the trash next to it getting ready to attack. Tyler was biting the man's hand when he tried getting Craig. The man was mad. "H-how did you find me?"

"Obvious. Tracker on phone. You passed right by me and I just followed you here. Now you're coming home," he said grabbing Craig.

"No, I'm not!" Craig said getting out of his grip. He looked at Craig and punched his side. He lost his breath.

"Craig!" I looked at the opening of the ally seeing Ohm.

"O you're here," The man said disgusted.

"Get away from him!" Ohm was mad.

"Ohm!" Craig yelled.

"Shut up!" The man said slapping Craig. Ohm came walking to them but stopped when he looked back at him. "You know Ryan I thought you would be a good inspiration on Craig. But no, you had to mess up everything. 1 year later mommy was found dead in our house with you!" Craig looked at Ryan who was frozen. "It wasn't my fault! I tried! They tried robbing us. She told me to run! You know this."

"O really but does your own innocent little brother know?" the man looked at Craig. Craig was looking at Ryan. Wait brother?

"Craig.....Mom died in that house. 4 men came in barging in. You were in your room in the crib sleeping. Mom told the men to get out but 2 held her down. She told me to run and get you. I did. I ran up getting you out but then the man grabbed me and the other held you. I did my hardest getting out of the mans grip and I did till I saw the other one who held you, have a knife close to your body. I begged him not to do it. He said where's the money. Where is the money. I was so confused. They said he owes them money but never paid them back. I was confused. I lied telling them where it was. I was able to grab you and run-down stairs but.... What I saw downstairs made me break. I saw mom laying there... Lifeless. On the floor with blood. I froze. I was terrified. I sat their, holding you. I didn't care what happened to me then. But realized I had you. I was about to run out, but was stopped by police men. They told me to freeze. They saw mom. They went upstairs grabbing all the men. Father came and saw me next to mom. After 2 days later, he started to abuse me saying it was my fault that she died. It should have been me. Another couple years later when you turned 5. He got me, knocking me out. When I woke up I was in Chicago. I was looking for you Craig, but I didn't know where. I was poor. I promised to find you and save you from him. Maybe it was my fault she died. If I could have been stronger maybe I could have, or I should have let them take me." Ryan was crying now. It hurt me. I never knew. "Ryan it wasn't your fault. You did any other brother could do. An older brother would have done what yo-"

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