24. Love

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1 week later

Ohm Pov

I was driving back to the store, grabbing everything we needed. I was happy. Having Luke as my husband was a dream come true. Being sweet and caring. Even when he's being Mr. Macho. My brother across the street making sure he's ok even with Tyler. I love Luke and I'll do anything for him. Our anniversary was today, and I was so excited. I bet Luke thinks I forgot. I know he would like something from me. Anything. I got him a kitten since that's how we first meant. I mean it wasn't how we planned it, but it'll show as a remembrance of our love. I asked Craig to take care of her this morning when I got her since I don't want Luke to see her till later after our date. Hopefully Craig remembers to come by later to pop up with Luke not looking. I parked the truck going in the store. At the door I saw a kid next to the door. He looked like a mess. I felt bad seeing him. I sighed going in the store. I grabbed the things we needed, but  all my thoughts wondered off about that kid. His eye's being cloudy blue and blondish hair looking dirty. His eyes confused me. I saw fear and sadness. I went quicker now realizing I seen a pair of eyes like those. I took the cart out fast to the register. I paid for everything and went outside. I looked where I last saw the kid, but he wasn't there. Shit. I sighed going back to the truck putting all the stuff in. I got in, turning it on and drove off. I stopped at the red light. I still thought about that kid. I looked at my right seeing the kid! He was running from 2 guys. The 2 men were right behind him. They turned to the next street as the light turned green. I turned going the same way as them. The kid bumped to people then turned to an ally. They did to. I parked the truck going in. I saw them kicking the boy. It pissed me off. "You should have never been born! You disgrace!" He kicked the boy again. I ran towards the man who said those words and punched him hard in the jaw knocking him out. I looked at the other giving him a glare. He ran towards the exit but was stopped by a cop. He arrested him and the other cop who came arrested the guy I knocked out. I picked up the boy taking him to the truck. I opened the passenger seat sitting him down. He was scared. "Hey, it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you," I said closing the door. I turned to the officer explaining what the guys did and they let me take him since I kind of lied saying it was a friend's kid I'm watching over and he ran away when I wasn't looking. I got in the driver side looking at the boy then drove off. I parked the truck in the garage and got out. I went to the passenger side picking him up again. I used my leg to close back the door. I'll get the groceries later. I went inside, and Luke was coming down the stairs. "What took you so......long..." he looked at the boy who had his eye's close. I went upstairs going to the bathroom since I had better supplies' there. I sat him down in the counter looking at him. He was looking at me. Luke came in looking at us. "Ok. I want you to take a shower. I need to see if you have any more injuries, so I can treat it, ok?" I asked him. He just nodded. "I'll go get you some clothes ok?" I put him down. I was about to walk out to get the clothes till I felt something tug my sleeve. He stopped me. "W-why a-are you helping m-me?" His head was down. I got on one knee. "Because. I was in the same situation. No kid doesn't deserve that. I was abandoned when I was young, but a nice woman found me. She took care of me. I live here now. This is my husband Luke. I have a brother, a younger brother who was abused by our father. He was the one who abandon me but now I'm happy. I want to help and if you want, you can leave." He raised his head again. "Can you tell us what happened?" Luke came on his knees looking at the boy. "T-that guy was m-my u-uncle. He abused me. He threw me in the street. I was alone for 2 days and then he found me. He chased after me then started to punch and kick me every time he sees me in the street. My mom and dad died. He blames me for killing them w-when we there was a robbery and they were shot." He started to cry. I felt bad. I hugged him and Luke to. He cried in my arms. "Shush......it's ok. your safe now," I soothed. He calmed. I wiped his tears. "What's your name?" Luke asked.

"M-my name is Ricky," he said.

"Well Ricky how about you take a shower. Will bring you clothes ok?" He just looked down.

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