1 | Katsuki Bakugou

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!!This is a fan fiction/AU (alternative universe). Actions or/and situations are NOT like in real life and I KNOW that. I do some research on things (If needed. Even though it's not a big research, I try). If I see someone comment "In real life it's like..." I will delete that comment/this kind of comment. So please don't do that. But I'm happy, if you correct me on spelling mistakes. Thank you!!

This story has many triggering points. The tw is for the whole story. This also goes for the comment section.

-Bakugous POV-

"So Katsuki, here is your food, try to eat. And you will get a roommate in a couple of days, so please clean your room a little bit" Nemuri looks around my messy room

"Yeah, whatever Nemuri" she walks out, leaving me alone with the food. I just look disgusted at it.

Basically, my name is Katsuki Bakugou, I am seventeen years old and I am suffering from anorexia, for four years now.

People introduce themselves when they tell their stories, right?

So, at first I thought everything was fine but once I didn't eat for four days and passed out in school, I got in the hospital. Nemuri was from then on, always on my side. That's why we are on first name basis, we are close.

I guess it's been some time since the incident, but it's not really important.

My condition got worse, last year I almost died. But I didn't really care, life is just unpleasing, it's boring and in my eyes, just meaningless.

But aside from that, I can't eat. It just doesn't work. Every Time I have the food in my mouth, I have this disgusting feeling. I don't know, it's weird. It's just, I want to vomit it all out.

I stare at the food, that's on the table. I stand up and walk over. Bacon and eggs. I take the fork and try to take a bite from the egg. I take it in my mouth but almost immediately spit it out.

I take my phone out and text Deku.

Deku is something like a childhood friend. We know each other since forever. We weren't exactly really friendly from the beginning, but it's normal now, in my opinion.

I ask him to come over later, after my check up. He texts back after a minute and says he will come over around 8 pm.

I feel really lonely in the hospital, I only have Nemuri. The others are scared of me, because I am scary or some shit, I couldn't care less thought.

I open my Instagram and check my posts, I am kinda popular. I kind of need to keep myself entertained, so this is an option.

Im an 'inspiration' for some people, because I'm so skinny and some people see it as beautiful. I just think they are idiots.

Inspiration, really? I'm dying here and still I am inspiration for them?

I got angry and turn my phone off.

I sit down on my bed and take out my sketchbook. No one really knows that I draw and I don't want them to know. But what they do know, everyone in the hospital and the people who follow me, I can sing and I do it from time to time.

I start to draw an angry Pomeranian, because why the fuck not?

Nemuri walks in my hospital room "Katsuki, time for your check up, come with me" I put my sketchbook away and follow her

We go in another room "Strip, keep your boxers on" I take off my clothes, now only standing in my boxers there.

She points at the weighbridge, I step on in and then look at the numbers. After a couple of seconds it shows my weight.

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