The story begins,

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Master frown snapped out of a flashback that conveniently shown exactly how this mess started when a knife came whizzing past his head, " ah shoot not again ! " he said as he looked at who had thrown the knife, it was feebee, she had changed a lot sense that day, and has ripped pettals, a belt with a bunch of throwing knives on it and her eyes where constantly twitching.

" You get outta here ya rotten pest ! " she yelled, master frown just ran away before she could try and right him, after that day master frown didn't want to kill anyone else, the death of someone had started this mess, that's why he was blind in one eye, that's why his best, and only friend hated him, he didn't want to make things worse, he missed how things where 4 years ago, back when he played pranks, took people's bookmarks, and baked cookies with brock, he wanted nothing more than to go back, master frown mostly just kinda wandered around and tried not to get killed, but, everyone hated him. " sigh* why did I have to do this ? All of this over one brick. " after he said this he heard a familiar voice from behind, " master frown, it's been a long time. " the voice was bitter and cold, but he recognized it, he turned around and saw Dr fox, she looked way different than she did when they last met, half of her face was now cybernetic, and she had a robot arm, her lab coat was ripped up and so where her pants, and her glasses where cracked, " dr fox ? " he asked, dr foxes face remained angry, " what are you doing here ? I thought you would just hide with Brock during this, find somewhere in frown two to save your stupid butt. " she said coldly, " brock ... After I told him what I did... He kicked me out and never wanted to see me again, im.. I'm sorry about what I did, hawkodile didn't deserve what I did to him. " master frown said, he expected Dr fox to try and attack him, but surprisingly she held her hand out to him, " I still hate you, and will probably never forgive you. But I can see you regret what you have done, if you really want to fix it and at least try to redeem yourself come with me. " dr fox said as she looked at him, master frown looked at her for a second, " you would give me another chance ? After all I've caused ? " he asked, " you comin or not because I don't have time for your little breakdown this is a apocalypse here. " dr fox said impatiently, master frown shook her hand, " I accept, I promise I will find a way to repair all this. " Dr fox kept her serious expression, " I doubt it, you where always incompetent, " she said as she started to walk away, "come on, we're going to my base, don't touch anything when we get there, got that ?"  Master frown nodded as he followed her, man even her personality had changed , in reality Dr fox wanted to go back to her old life too, but everything that made her, her was gone. Hawkodile was dead, unikitty had destroyed everything, she was pretty sure her laboratory was gone, and even part of her face and one of her arms where gone, secretly she felt bad for master frown, but she still hated him for killing the man who loved her, she was also mad at herself for standing in the wrong place at the wrong time.

" Here we are, " Dr fox said as they showed up at a small hut with a few things around it, " and whatever you do so not touch my projects ! " she said giving master frown a dirty glare, " ok ok I won't ! " he said as his eyes widened, there was silence between the two as the roars of unikitty could be heard in the distance, " well I'm going to finish my supply run, you stay here. " Dr fox said as she left the base, she was collecting any scrap of metal to try something she hoped would work, " the castle ruins should have what I need, maybe ha- ... his tree house, " Dr fox said as she continued on her way to the large broken remains of the castle she had lived in for so many years. " I don't know if I can trust master frown, I'll just check the tree house for anything. " she said to herself as she redirected herself from the castle to the tree house in the back. When she got there she climbed the latter and started to look around, this place has so many memories, she had already taken a few things from this house years ago, but maybe he had something helpful hidden in the dresser or under the bed. She opened the top drawer of the closet, it was mainly just a bunch of black shorts and red gloves, and a few old photos of when hawkodile was a teenager and was still friends with Eagleator, and some pictures of when she and hawkodile had first met, but she refused to tear up, she was to tough to cry now. RIght?

When she looked in the second it was mostly outfits from halloween, and his childhood, the wrestling costume, a vampire costume, an old tank top and old jeans shorts, and she decided to take the red headband, everything else was just useless clothing to her.

finally in the final drawer she found something that would actually help her with what she was trying to do, it was that that robot suite that hawkodile had made to try and fight the desemator to win her affection, she still couldn't understand how she hasn't realized earlier. It was a little dented but not to bad, she would tell master frown it was for scrap metal, she didn't want to tell him her real motives.

She dragged back the robot armor back to her base, surprisingly master frown hadn't done anything to any of her stuff, he had actually passed out by the side of the cabin. He's was probably tired, she put the robotic suite inside the shead before pulling the note hawkodile had given her in his final moment, it was all she had left of him, she wanted to bring him back, to tell him she was sorry, and that's exactly what her plan was,  dr fox walked back outside, grabbed master frown by his right hand and dragged him inside the small cabin, even if she hated him she had agreed to make sure he didn't die, she finally sat down next to the brawl bot armor and sighed, she hoped her plan would work, and that master frown wouldn't skrew everything up, she just wanted to see hawkodile again.

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