Hawkodile ?

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Dr fox had stayed up all night again to finish her project, she was so excited, as soon as she finished the wiring she would see hawkodile again ! Hehe was having trouble keeping her tough girl persona from showing the small part of her that was still a goofy neard, " just one more thing and I can finally see hawkodile again ! " she said she connected the final wires and patched up the metal she had to rip of to bring back hawkodile, she had also used the other part of the robotic site as just armor, so half of hawkodile was robot and the other part was just armored. 

it took a few seconds but hawkodile's eyes opened and he looked around, he looked confused, " your up ! Your alive ! " Dr fox shouted in excitement, " huh ? Sorry but who are you ? Who am I ? " hawkodile asked, he didn't remember who he was, he didn't remember that he had died, he couldn't remember anything about his last life, dr foxes face froze as it resumed its serious expression, he didn't remember her. He didn't remember himself. She decided she wouldn't try to tell him, she didn't want him to be mad at her, she couldn't bring herself to tell him, she thought a second before she came up with a fake backstory for him, " your name is brawl bot, you where designed to help us fight, you are just a robot. " Dr fox said, " oh, ok. " hawkodile, now brawl bot said, " you stay here I have to do something real quick, " Dr fox said as she turned around and outside the cabin where master frown was, " listen Hawkodile is back but he doesn't remember who we even are, his new name is brawl bot, his backstory is he's just a robot made to help us fight, don't you dare tell him of who he was or goat you where the one who killed him, " Dr fox said, master frown nodded, but her words, " you killed him, " triggered a flashback, unikitty turning into a massive beast, the roads of anger, the loss of sight in his left eye, the loss of his best friend, those words would always give him these flash backs, " remember, don't tell him, now if you'll excuse me I have to go get brawl bot. " Dr fox said as she headed back to the cabin to get brawl bot.

" Why did I cause this ? " master frown said, he always questioned himself, sometimes he wondered if he should just end it all, it would make everyone else happy wouldn't it ? But at the same time what would that change ? Even if he where gone nothing would change. Meanwhile Dr fox came back out with brawl bot,he was looking around curiously, and confusedly, to him everything was so new, but at the same time in the very back of his head before like he should know who these people where, he should know what everything was, but the fox women had said he was just a robot, so he was just a robot, right ? 

master frown looked at the newly reanimated hawkodile, he now felt more guilty than ever, he was right next to the man he had killed and the man didn't even remember, " brawl bot, meet our teammate master frown, " Dr fox said, " hello master frown, " brawl bot said as he held out his hand to master frown, master frown backed away as if he where frightened, this confused brawl bot, " he's shy, he usually just stays silent he's not really that important, I just let him on the team because he was a wimp and was gonna die. " Dr fox said, " oh, well still nice to meet you master frown. " brawl bot said, he didn't know who this guy was, or what his personality was, but he wanted to try and be nice, . Master frown still looked frightened, brawl bot out his hand back down awkwardly as he looked back at Dr fox, in the distance the roars of unikitty where closer to the unikingdom, " unikitty is returning to the unikingdom, no bought she has destroyed more of what was frown town by now. We might have to leave the camp, she will destroy any non destroyed building including my cabin, " Dr fox said to breck the silence.

Everyone could hear roars of rage, they roars didn't even make words anymore, just garbled gibberish of anger and destruction, " oh jeez that sounds uh. Well it sounds not good, " brawl bot remarked, " oh yeah, that is definitely not good, " master frown said, dr fox just stayed quite, she was concentrating her robotic she to pinpoint where unikitty was and rather they had time to stay or not, she couldn't exactly pinpoint where unikitty was, which determined that they at least had one day to stay at the cabin, " we have at least one day, you wanna leave now or stay until tomorrow ? "Dr fox asked, the boys shrugged causing Dr fox to sigh, "grab all the food water and anything else you think we should bring with us that you can carry, we're leaving today so we don't have to risk fighting tomorrow, " Dr fox said with an exasperated tone, all they grabbed was food and water as Dr fox led the way, they didn't know where they where going but they where going, " so what do we do when we find a spot to stay ?" Brawl got asked, " we'll just fine a spot and stop there, " Dr fox remarked, but master frown was just looking around, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching, that and when he looked at the ruins of a house he saw a ripped piece of fabric that looked like someone's scarf, master frown lifted his own scarf to cover the bottom side of his face as he wondered if that was someone watching him or if it was just some ripped clothing crime someone who has gotten stuck, he couldn't be bothered to check it out though, he just didn't want to get separated from the group and get killed, so he just pretended he didn't feel like he was about to be assassinated.

Hawkodile still was feeling serious de sha vu, ( if I how to spell it sorry) he felt like he should know what was going on, shouldn't be know these people ? Why did he faintly remember this place not being dead and on fire ? He was just a robot, he was just a machine but to fight, and why did he feel like he liked the fox ? He felt something whenever he looked at her, why did he feel like this ?.

Dr fox was angry and mad, she had spent 4 years rebuilding hawkodile and couldn't even manage to rebuild him properly, how bad she failed so badly ? Why ? Why WHY !? Why was she such a failure !? When hated herself, she hated what she had done, she was a failure !! A stupid robotic failure ! In reality what she had done was amazing, she had brought a dead man back to life, and he was functional, but she still felt lime an idiot,

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