Life ? Or death.

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Master frown opened his eyes to see himself in a completely black room. " a-am I dead ? Did I actually do it ? Well if I did at least everyone will be happy, " he said to himself, " but they aren't, there worried. " a voice said, the same voice that has tried to convince him not to do this, " what the ? Who's there !? " master frown demanded, this was strange to him, there was no pain, he could see through his blind eye, what was going on !? From out of the shadows he saw a figure, it looked like he used to, classic dark blue cloak, perfectly normal yellow face, no scratches, it looked like his past self, " don't flip out. BUUuuttt, I'm the guy you used to be. " the old frown frown said, " what ? But why are you here ? It's not like anyone cares about us, brock and Dr fox wanted us dead. And I killed hawkodile, he doesn't even remember what I did to him. " master frown said, " dude Brock is crying right now !, HE didn't want you to do that ! Just stop listening to yourself ! Why did you want to die anyway !? " the old master frown shouted, " because they hate me. I caused this entire thing, I'm the reason Dr fox has only half a face and one arm, I'm the reason Brock has a scar on his back, I'm the reason hawkodile died, do you not see !? I'm the problem ! " master frown shouted, tears starting to run down his face, " don't you remember any of the good times ? You can stop this problem ! You can save the darn world ! But you decided to kill yourself ! " old frown shouted angrily, " what do you mean !? I did she it ! After unikitty finds out I'm dead she might stop " master frown said, " no she wont, she did this because she was mad and angry over someone's death ! More death won't stop anything ! But if you just fine a way to calm her down she might stop ! " old frown said, " man I am insane I'm arguing with myself over my own suicide, " master frown said as he put a hand to his face, " *sigh* just look at this you have to make some kinda choice. " old frown said as the room lit up with master frowns last memories, "  don't you remember all of these times ? All the things you did other than that ? " old frown asked, master frown walked around seeing all the memories, there was when he and Brock he first met, master frown was crying alone in an alleyway when Brock had came up and they had soon become best friends, another was when Brock and master frown had moved into their apartment, when he had gotten his first job, even when he had lost his body and unikitty had helped him, he had actually forgotten about all of these good times, he could only remember all the bad things he did, " see ? She helped you when you needed her help, brock helped you when you where homeless, they both cared, and deep down they both still do ! " old frown said, master frown stayed quiet as he looked at his positive memories, what he didn't realize was sense he was getting happy, in the real world there was a random happy sparkle matter that popped out from his body, which did surprise everyone.

" I, is there a way I can not die ? " master frown asked, " finally you listened ! Yeah there is just walk through one of the memories, " old frown said, master frown She led swords one of his memories and looked back, " I might be insane, and I know I'm just talking to myself, but. Thank you. " he said as he stepped through, next thing he knew he was walking up in the real world, and man was he in pain ! He tried to get up but instead just let out a sharp cry of pain, " AGH ! ouch! " he said as he fell back down, he couldn't see very well sense his sight was kinda blurry, but he could  see someone looking at him, he couldn't tell who it was though, " what the ? How was he not dead he stabbed himself and was out for two days ! How did he live !? " he heard Dr fox saying, honestly even be was surprised he was alive, after all he did just plunge a knife into himself " I told you guys he would live, " brawl bot said, brock was just blankly staring, he wanted to say something, he wanted to say he was happy, but he couldn't.

Master frown looked around a bit, which was hard sense he didn't want to move and only one of his eyes worked, but he could tell that he as on the floor, and there was something tied around his chest and neck, " I still don't know how he's alive, I mean look at him. " Dr fox said, " guys don't be rude he can hear us and he only did it because he thought it would make you guys happy, didn't you hear what he said before he did it ? HE blamed himself for everything that happened, " brawl bot said, Dr fox looked at him, she knew he was no longer hawkodile but she still couldn't believe what he said, master frown had killed him so why was he defending the guy !? He was defending the man who killed him ! But at the same time she was happy that master frown was still alive, secretly everyone was, there as a long period of silence as they could hear unikitty in the distance, she sounded pretty far away but it was still easy to hear, but one thing was for sure, even if they didn't show it, everyone was happy that master frown had survived, even him.

( Sorry this chapter wasn't that good but I tried XD)

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