Can we even win ?

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It had been a long night, everyone was nervous, even if they showed it in different ways, master frown was on the verge of passing out, so was Eagleator, hawkodile was trying to help them. Brock was just punching a dead tree over and over again, which was confusing to the others to say the least, Richard was organizing the few things they had, and Dr fox as wondering if hawkodile was mad at her or not, she pulled the note hawkodile had given her on the day he died, did he even still like her ? Or had he forgotten that too ? She couldn't tell. Like I said before it was a long dang night, and the entire time Brock was just punching a dang tree.

The next morning the team left for battle, hawkodile still helping Eagleator and master frown. Brock and Dr fox where ready to fight, and Richard was hoping that master frowns plan of stopping this rationally would work, and

As they got closer the roars of anger got louder, until they where in her sight, she walked up to them looking ready to rip their heads off, her claws and parts of her legs where blood stained, flames coming off of her everywhere but her back where puppycorn was imprisoned. " grrrrrrr, " unikitty growled in a loud deep and menacing tone, " wait ! D-don't kill us, please. W*cough* were not going to h-hurt you, p-please, just listen. " master frown said, trying to get to the small part of this beast that was still unikitty, unikitty just roared angrily and swiped at them, throwing them all to the side, " well you failed ! Now let's actually fight ! " Brock yelled as he grabbed his gun and started shooting, the bullets bounced off unikitty, and she roared in even more anger, 

Dr fox ran around the battle ground holding a blaster gun, and a normal gun, she was running around the battleground to try and find unikitty's weak point, puppycorn was yelling something from on unikitty's baxk, but nobody could hear him, not like they would care anyway, " you guys stay over here" brawl bot said as he does up and closer to unikitty's head while she was distracted by Dr fox, grabbing into her ear so he couldn't be shaken off, " please just stop ! You're killing innocent people ! " he yelled, trying to get through to unikitty, which was hard sense he couldn't even remember her, unikitty looked confused for a second and paused before violently shaking her head trying to shake off hawkodile, but hawkodile held on tight, still nobody could hear puppycorn, but he was probably just screaming by now. " hawkodile get off ! She's gonna burn you ! " Dr fox shouted, " shut up and worry about yourself let's just take this piece of crud out already ! " Brock yelled shooting one of unikitty's hind legs, master frown wanted to help, but what could he do ? He was just a guy, and unikitty hadn't listened to him, so he just say on the side lines with Eagleator. Hawkodile was trying to see if there was a weak point on top of unikitty without getting killed, Brock and Dr fox where madly shooting trying to find a weak point, hawkodile was grabbing the spines on unikitty's back getting closer to the small cage, " GUYS I THINK THE BACK IS THE WEAK SPOT ! THERE'S NO ARMORED PLAYING OR FLAMES UP HERE ! " hawkodile shouted down to Dr fox and brock, " GOOD WORK BRAWL BOT ! NOW FIGHT ! " Dr fox shouted back,

As Dr fox dodged and ducked unikitty kept throwing down a paw, trying to crush her, suddenly Dr fox grilled over a large stone, unikitty's paw coming closer, suddenly for hawkodile time seemed to stop, memories flooding back, Dr fox on the battle ground all those years ago, boulders crashing down, him diving in and shoving Dr fox out of the way, a love note clenched in his fist, time started up again as he knew what he had to do, he swooped in just as he had that fateful day, shoving Dr fox out of the way, just as he had that day, but unlike last time, the only part that got crushed was his right leg,  " ARGH! "  hawkodile shouted in pain, " hawkodile ! " Dr fox shouted, this has came way to close of being a repeat of the past, " STOP ! JUST STOP IT ! YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM! AND YOU WHERE ONLY DOING THIS BECAUSE HE WAS KILLED ! " master frown shouted, ignoring the pain, the cuts he had slowly opening as he souyed, but he didn't care, unikitty paused, seeming to slowly realize what was going on, but master frown wasn't finished, " YOU TRIED TO KILL ME BUT NOW YOUR JUST KILLING FOR FUN IT LOOKS LIKE ! I HAVE LIVED THROUGH LITTURAL HELL ! I WAS FIRED ! I EVEN TRIED TO KILL MYSELF BECAUSE OF YOU ! YOU DON'T EVEN CARE DO YOU !? YOUR NOT EVEN THE SAME DAY YOU WHERE ! " master frown shouted, he started coughing up blood, hard a his cuts where now open and bleeding hard, trying not to pass out, 

Something seemed to switch for unikitty, " wh, master frown ? HAWKODILE !? " she said, seeming to switch back to normal, she lifted her paw from hawkodile's leg, which honestly it looked like he would never walk on that leg again, her face looking panicked as she shrunk in size, " w- what have I done ? " she said looking around, " i... I destroyed everything. " she said, as she shrunk puppycorn was also set free, and once she was back to normal size it was revealed that puppycorn had lost his entire horn, and had a few scratches, " sis ! Your finally back !!! " puppycorn shouted as he hugged his sister, but unikitty was having a breakdown as she now started to turn blue and cry, master frown could be heard in the background as he choked out blood, slowly passing out, Eagleator was trying to help him but nothing was working.

" I destroyed everything.. " Unikitty said sadly, Dr fox looked at her in confusion, one second she was trying to kill them and now she was crying about what she had done, Brock was angry, like always, but hawkodile just felt like discombobulated, he remembered everything, his old life, his friends, his job, all of it. He tried to get up, letting out another cry of pain,  " hawkodile, master frown, brock, Eagleator, richard, Dr fox, lil, bro, I'm so sorry, for everything I've done. " unikitty said sadly, " it's ok princess, I forgive you, and hey now I can remember you guys, on um, can somebody help me up ? " hawkodile said, " wait a second you remember !? " Dr fox shouted, " yeah, right before I swooped in to stop you from getting crushed it reminded me of last time, and than I just sorta remembered everything else, " hawkodile said, walked over helping hawkodile, unikitty suddenly remembered master frown, her and puppycorn running to where he he Eagleator where, Eagleator kinda moved away from unikitty, still frightened from last time, unikitty still had blood on her paws from everyone else she had harmed over the yeaes, but she didn't pay attention to this, she was worried for master frown, he was practically covered in his own blood, and badly breathing, everyone else stood by unikitty's side, master frowns plan had actually worked, he had stopped unikitty, but he also seemed to be dying. Would he love like he had last time ? Or was this master frowns actual final day ?

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