Will they listen ?

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Master frown was still confused as to why the others cared if he lived or not, he had no idea that deep inside they where still the people he had known four years ago. He was still having trouble staying upright, and talking, sense he had slit his throat and plunged a knife into his chest, causing him to lose a lot of blood, and made him rather weak, and it was probably hard to talk when there was a large cut in his neck.

" Guys I * cough* I think I have a p-plan to stop unikitty, " master frown managed to sputter out, " dude I thought we told you to not talk your gonna make that cut worse. " Brock said, master  frown out a hand to his face on the not scarred side and sighed, " w-*cough cough,* how a-am I s-cough* supposed to communicate ? I-it's not like * cough* it's not like w-we have a notebook and pencil. " master frown said, still struggling, " hmmm, oh ! Maybe you can write in the dirt using a rock or a stick ? " brawl bot suggested, " o-on dead grass ? There's * cough* there's no blank dirt a-anywhere ! " master frown shouted, and immediately regretted it as he started coughing so hard that blood came out.  " it was only a suggestion ! " brawl bot said, " well like almost all of you guys have said, there has to be some way to stop unikitty and end the apocalypse once and for all. " Dr fox said, master frown was now having trouble talking even more, so he had to choice but to pull on hawkodile's arm as if he where a child that was scared to ask something and whisper his plan to hawkodile, his plan was to find Richard he try and get unikitty to calm down, that way nobody would have to die,and unikitty's friends might be able to help her, " hey master frown just told me a plan we could try. " brawl bot said, " sigh* fine what is it ? " Dr fox said rolling her eyes, " frown said it we find someone named Richard we might be able to stop unikitty without killing her, he says he wants to stop this without anyone else dying. " brawl bot said, " jeez, it's the killed who wants piece, " Brock said, " Brock do you want to deal with him stabbing himself again ? " Dr fox hissed, " but anyway, it's not like we have any other ideas, and I haven't seen Richard sense the apocalypse started. " she continued. 

Master frown gave as much of a smile as he could, such wasn't much but he did so anyway, finally Dr fox had actually listened without hurting him. Probably because right now he knew how it would be felt if unikitty actually had ran him over with her car, huh, it was strange remembering good times after so long, even if he had lost that trial it was still fun, but now the pain a actually hurt so bad. " Well let's pack up and go already " Brock said impatiently, " we already packed stupid. " Dr fox said,  " whatever, " Brock said as he crossed his arms, brawl bot was helping master frown sense he was still tired, and had warn himself out trying to talk. Brawl got still couldn't get rid of this deshavu, ( still can't spell it) feeling, why did he slightly recognize the name Richard ? And why did he feel like his name would be rich or Rick ? Why was everything so similar yet he couldn't remember !? All he wanted where answers but Dr fox had told everyone not to tell him. But why ? Did he remind her of that hawkodile guy ? A while ago he had managed to get a glimpse of the note that she read every night. For some reason he felt like he remembered that too, why did everything about this girl feel so familiar !? But still the only memory he actually could grasp was one of Dr fox, she still had the other half of her face he her arm, her eyes where full of wonder and she was looking down, he didn't remember that was when he was getting crushed, but he could remember her face, and he still loved her, but he still couldn't tell her. " so who's this Richard guy ? " hawkodile finally asked, " sigh* i used to work with him before all this, he was a really dang boring guy, but we don't have any other plans so where going to try and find him. " Dr fox said with an irritated tone, " oh yeah that guy. " Brock said, he hasn't really ever spent much time with richard, even that one time he was at a sleepover with unikitty he hasn't really hung out with Richard that much, he smiled a bit at the memory but quickly slapped himself, he wasn't that Brock anymore ! He's didn't do those things anymore ! He wasn't that goofball that did the dishes and told master frown to wash the mac n cheese pot anymore ! But sense he had slapped himself, now everyone was giving him a weird look, " you ok Brock ? " master frown said, still sounding pretty raspy, " shut up ! " Brock shouted angrily, " jeez now both of them are doing it, " Dr fox said putting a hand to her face, " can you guys please calm down ? He was just worried about him, " brawl bot said, " my name is Brock for your information, " Brock said angrily, " ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP ! "  Dr fox shouted in anger as her eyes turned blank yellow for a second,  which did scare everyone quite a bit, the arguing was making her angry, she just wanted QUITE ! Egged sense this has started she hated the sounds of familiar voices reminding her of her old life, she hated herself. She's hated the world, but for some reason she felt like there might be hope for things to almost to back to the way they where.

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