Back here again.

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Master frown woke in that strange black good again, the same one he had been in that night when he stabbed himself. " uh, ok so did I did for real this time ? Ooooor did I just pass out again ? " master frown asked, but no reply, why had happened to that guy who was here let time ? Oh come on that was a dream ! Why did he expect the same thing ? He looked around, the room was completely black other than a small doorway, and it seemed to be getting smaller, slowly, but it was getting smaller, master frown felt like he should try and get through, he didn't know why, but he did. But when he tried to walk to it, he seemed to be stuck in slow notion, " ok looks like I'm gonna have to run. " master frown said, it was still in slow motion but it was faster, " dude get through ! " a voice in the back of his head kept shouting, as he kept hearing stores the door he noticed there was  a strange black thing tied around his waist, he didn't stop moving but he did turn to look behind him, there was another door that was trying to pull him in, he defiantly didn't want to go in there, than he thought about something, what if the door that was dragging him in was death ? What if he was fighting for his life right now ? As he continued, now also trying to fight off the weird black thing that was digging into his wth wound, but to his dismay, another one of these black tentacle things wrapped around his neck, almost strangling him, and another around the side of his head where the scars where, " ok now I know that I'm fighting death right now. " master frown said, he could feel his own life draining, but he had tried so hard ! He wasn't going to die just because of a stupid thing a hallucination had told him to do, thank goodness the other door was closing like, mega slow, like 100 x slow motion.

 " stupid dang things ! " master frown shouted, still short of breath, and fighting as hard as possible to try and get away from whatever was trying to drag him in, " I don't want to die !! " he shouted angrily, now there where voices in the back of his head, both of them fighting. One of them was telling him to just die, it's not like he's important, it's not like anyone would care if he was dead. The other was telling him to carry on, try and live ! the others didn't want him to die ! He didn't want to die ! But this time he wouldn't listen ! He wouldn't let that negative voice control him again like it had last time ! He had to live ! He had to ! No matter how tired he was. He needed to survive, it took what seemed like forever, but finally he was almost directly to the door, but he had to get through the door now, now he would only fit if he bent down, but what if he slipped ? Any as this how he was going to go ? NO ! He had to try !! He wouldn't fail ! He had tried as hard as possible ! He had to survive !

Finally master frown managed to shove himself through the door, the door shut abruptly, snapping the black strings, he looked around, he was in that memory room again, now with both the old and the new, next to a memory of him holding puppycorn's birthday wish, there was the memory of hawkodile saying he believes in him, everything was scrambled, some where blurry, some where clear,  he walked around this room for quite a while, now what ? How did he get out ? He tried what he did last time but it didn't work. Why are was the way out ? He had spent forever to get here now what was he supposed to do !? Where was he supposed to go now ? He was angry, but he was also scared, " w-what am I supposed to do now ? " he asked, his tone was why and scared, nothing happened, but now the memories where starting to show audio, " so ? Happiness is disgusting ! Bleh ! " " you know what I'm doing ! I started this mess and I'm going to end it ! Besides. This is what you wanted. Right ? " " Brock this is the best party you've ever thrown ! " " what did I do !? " come on ! Just stop being so grumpy ! " " STOP IT !! JUST STOP PLEASE ! " most of the voices, he remembered saying those things, and he really changed that much ? Well. Now the voices where growing louder, more and more from everyone he had ever met, " you know we're besties dude ! " " I told you I would do this if I ever saw you again, " " dude you killed a man ! " " I didn't mean to ok I wasn't even aiming for him ! " " I will never trust you. And I still hate you, but I will help. " " hey ! I'm brawl bot. " " just SHUT UP ! ".

 master frown listened, most of these where rather recent. Finally after walking around for also what seemed like forever he found a random mirror, the reflection, it looked like how he was, what he used to be, but when he touched it it rippled a bit. The reflection was now him, the way he was now. The scar on the blind eye, the ripped up cloak with the spikes on the shoulders and head, and the scarf, a bloody gash on his neck, and a huge bloody stab sound on his chest, welp, this was who he was stuck as, from behind a figure showed up, it was that same guy from before, " well, you made it, you survived. Just walk through and you will finally wake up. " he said, " huh ? Wait now you show up ? Why didn't you help when I was just wandering around or trying to fight that back stuff? " master frown asked, " because, you had to prove you could actually survive, it's kinda like a final fight, now it's all done. And now you can finally go back, see how your friends are doing. Now you can finally be free from all of this, you don't need me here anymore. " the figure said, " what do you mean? " master frown asked, " well, I'm a part of your imagination, now you can move on. You don't need to dwell on the past, now you can finally be free from all this. You can finally be free from all of this. You can be you again, who I know what to do and what not to do. Anyway, just wanted to say goodbye, so see ya ! " the figure said before it faded away, " what the ? What in the world just happened !? " master frown asked, now really confused, but no matter, now all he had to do was walk through the mirror, and to back to the real world, but was this really what he wanted ? Why did he want to go back, now he was starting to think, what would he do ? would he stay in this weird room of memories that seemed like some kinda purgatory ? Or would he go back, keep on living, and try to help fix things more ? What would he do ?

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