Anger in the group,

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Brawl bot was the first to wake up, he was sitting next to Dr fox, he couldn't understand why but he felt like he knew her, like knew her knew her, but everything was fuzzy, he knew he wasn't a robot or why would he be half not robot ? But why didn't she tell him who he was ? Was his name actually brawl bot or had she lied ? Anne why would she bring him back ? HAd he been friends with her ? All of these questions filled his head, he wanted to remember ! He wanted to know ! But He couldn't bring himself to wake her up, far in the back he remembered part of a name, hawk, hawko, uh something, he was so close but couldn't quite get it. He got up to check if they where safe, he didn't see anyone, but he could we the outline of unikitty in the background, " that must be the monster those two where talking about. Well at least it isn't to close. " he remarked, from behind him he heard Dr fox getting up and slap master frown to wake him up, " AGH! What the heack why on the side with the scar !? " master frown shouted as brawl bot turned around to see the scar on master frowns face bleeding and another red mark from Dr foxes paw, " toughen up ya wimp, man I'm beginning to think even the old master frown is better than you. " Dr fox said, master frown just looked down like he was trying to hold back tears nd lifted his scarf so it covered the lower half of his face again, Dr fox just started to grab her stuff and told the others to do the same, " why are we still on the move ? She looks like she's heading the other way, " brawl bot said as the group looked to where the huge mister was, surly enough she was heading in the other direction, " well that just gives us more time to get out of the way, " Dr fox said, now seeming more annoyed, everyone did as she said and got there things.

 " soooo is anyone out to stop that cat thing or do we everyone just run away from it ? " brawl bot asked, " anyone who even attempts to stop her dies, there IS no anyone to stop her, and nothing will change, " Dr fox said coldly, " there might be a way to at least calm her down.. " master frown suggested, " unless you want another slap to the face I suggest you shut up. " Dr fox growled, master frown looked down and stayed quiet, why was he obeying her again ? Because he had no choice, but he could just leave, no one was telling him, why was he even trying ? Master frown thought, he was considering a rather dark solution, " I'm thinking sense pretty much everyone is dead anyway we can stop by the store ruins and see if there's any supplies we can get, and if anyone tries to kill us, we just kill them first, " Dr fox said, she had changed a lot, probably because of the indecent in frown town from before she lost half her face and her arm. she was trying to get to somewhere where unikitty wasnt, frown town was in a panic of violent survival and angry doom Lord's taking everything they could, Dr fox took  knife that was on the ground and turns around to get out of there, but before she could someone grabbed her by the colour of her coat, her tail fluffed up as she felt the other hand grab her arm and spin her around, it was master pain holding her by the arm, it was master pain, " well if it isn't the princesses little fox friend. Well I guess i have to do my job, after all, it's not like you can do anything~ " she said before ripping off Dr foxes arm, Dr fox let out a cry of pain, but master pain still didn't let go, Dr fox tried to get lose but master pain had a good trip on her, " leaving so soon ? We're only getting started! " she said with maniacal laughter,  " please stop ! I never did anything to you ! " Dr fox cried, " oh I know, but this isn't a fair world is it, now that the princess is destroying everything I don't have to stay within the regulations, " master pain said with an evil grin before she pulled out her own knife and after wife a struggle from Dr fox had cut off the skin of the left side of her face, " oh what fun, and I thought you'd at least try to fight back ! " pain said with a look of pure amusement, " you find my suffering funny huh ? Well laugh at this !!! " Dr fox yelled as she got up and charged at master pain with the knife and slitting her throat, master pain didn't expect this so it allowed dr fox to get another stab in, she stabbed master pain in the chest killing her, Dr fox looked at what she had done, she had killed someone. She looked at the body and at her one remaining hand, " I guess this is how it's gonna be from now on. " she said looking down and flossing her eyes, when she opened them again her gaze looked like an angry glare as she turned around and walked away. 

Back to after the flashback !) The trio walked into the store, from her poker Dr fox pulled out an old, rusty, and blood stained knife, the ferry same she had killed so many others with, the trio walked in and looked to see if there was anything they could scavenge, there wasn't really much to see though. But out of the blue master frown felt a lunch to the back of his head and a familiar voice, " I thought I'd never see your stupid face again, I told you I would do that if I ever saw you again. " master frown turned around to face the person who had punched him, it was Brock ! But even he didn't look the same, he was wearing his desert outfit too, but one of the lenses in the goggles was cracked, and he looked a lot more, well. mean, " wh. Brock !? " master frown said in surprise, " sigh* man your stupid of course it's me who else sounds like this or looks like this huh !? " Brock angrily shouted, " so you two gonna fight or you gonna mind your own business ? Or are you gonna do the, I'm gonna Joan you guys but have the one guy that everyone on the team hates but is kinda there thing ? " Dr fox asked, " well if I do Joan you guys I'm still punching master frown, " Brock said, " eh I woke him up by slapping him on the scar so it won't be anything new. " Dr fox said, " fine I'm gonna tag along, " Brock said, " wait a second this went fast. " brawl bot said, " Hay the more people on the team the less unikitty can focus on me, I'm only keeping everyone around for distractions. " Dr fox said crossing her arms, "  or you end up being the distraction, anyway let's get the stuff we need and go I can hear unikitty roaring and I don't feel like getting scratched in the back again. " Brock said angrily, " what do you think I'm doing ya cheap tombstone ! " Dr fox yelled, " I'm just saying the sensible option you idiot ! " Brock yelled.

" Both of you stop ! I think she can sense the anger, shes heading this way. " brawl bot said, sure enough they could hear unikitty coming closer, " skrew grabbing anything let's just get out of here before we get killed. I've survived for too long to die fighting in an old store. " Dr fox said, and with that the group has ledt, now with another member.

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