Chap.1 Leaving earth

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Marci's P.O.V
Marci is Marco's real name

I just woke up so I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was 6 in the morning. I then remember that today I was leaving earth with star to live in mewni with her. Why well it's because of eclipsa she knew my secret and knew the spell my mom put on me would soon end.

So she asked me if I would like to live with them because once the spell ends everyone who knew me on earth as Marco would forget me. Why I don't even know.

"Marco your mom says breakfast is ready" I heard star say outside my room "ok I'll be down in a minute star" I told. And me and eclipsa haven't told her about my secret yet so why I'm going to mewni and living with them is a different reason why for them. The reason we gave them is that I'm going to become both stars and meteoras guard.

I then got dressed in my normal attire my favorite red hoodie over a white shirt, black pants and my every day tan shoes. I then walked down stairs to find my mom putting pancakes on the table along with eggs and bacon. My dad was sitting at the table drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper. I sat down next to star who was loading her plate up with food.

"Good morning star, mom, dad" I said to them "good morning son" both my parents said. I then filled up my plate with food "Hey star do you want some orange juice" I asked her "yea thx Marco" star then replied i then grabbed to cup filled with orange juice and brought them to the table.

I set one in front of star and took a drink out of mine "hey mom and dad im really going to miss you guys i said". After finishing my food along with star "oh hunny we're going to miss you so much too" my mom said "yes your mother is right son but do you really have to leave" my dad then said. "Yea I made a promise and I'm not going to break it" I told them knowing that they soon would forget me.

"Hey star do you have every thing packed" I asked knowing she would end up forgetting something "um no I should probably finish that" star said before running upstairs to finish packing. "I'm gonna go help her" I told my parents before walking upstairs to her room. "Hey star need some help with your packing" i asked her.
"Yea I do"
"Ok do you have all your clothes packed"
"Yup check"
"All your hygiene products and stuff"
"Um half of it I'll go get the rest right know" she replied once she came back with the rest of it and stuffed it into her bag I then asked her about the rest of her stuff. "Do you have you spell book and all of your things from mewni packed up"
"Yes except for my spell book I can't seam to find it can you help me look for it"
"Sure" I said and started helping her look around her room I was looking everywhere but I still couldn't find it. That was until star shouted out "I found it".
"Good I'll go get my bags then we can say good bye and leave" I told her knowing saying good bye was just for her.

Because It was useless for me to say good bye in a few months nobody would remember me anyways. Thinking about it was kinda sad the people that raised me and all the people who know as Marco Diaz the safe kid. Would all forget me anything the would remind them of me would disappear or be replaced with someone else's name or face. I would know longer exists in there world which some times made me sad but I knew that it was for their own good.

I would never be coming back here and in a few months I would becoming my true self so it was for the better that they all forget me. Once I got to my room I looked all around it the pictures of me and my parents, friends, my sensi, and all my other family. Were taken down and packed away along with my posters all my clothes were packed away well enough for a few months after that I will have to bye some new clothes.

        Every thing was packed away except one thing the dress my father gave me before I left knowing the spell would be broken by the time the next blood moon ball came around I would be 15 on that day. But when the clock strikes midnight the time I was born on that day I would be 16 years old.

        The dress also came with heels and a red sombrero with gold details I loved it because it reminds of the people who raised me and there culture. My father was a demon but his mother was a demon but she didn't know that until her quinceanera. So because of her he Learned all about the culture she was raised in and loved it. So he created my dress and whole blood moon ball out fit to represent her culture.    The dress below is her dress for the blood moon ball

         I loved the dress and not and not only because it was one of the only things that I have left of my father

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         I loved the dress and not and not only because it was one of the only things that I have left of my father. "Hey Marco do you have all your stuff ready we need to leave soon" star said. That's when I realized I had zoned out thinking about my parents "yea star just have to grab one more thing" I told before grabbing my secret box it was a dark wooden box with a red circle with black wings coming out from the sides of it.

        It also had dark purple crescent moons on the sides of the wings they looked exactly like my moms cheek marks. In side of it was my moms wand which they created a second one for the next queen but know one knew about it. There also was a gift of my father a necklace well it was more of a choker it had a black silky ribbon with a red crescent blood moon charm.

       It also had a sliver chain connected to the ribbon that hung down hanging off of it was a purple moon with black wings to represent both my family. One of the wings was a butterfly wing like my mother's and a bat wing that represent my fathers wings. Once I that was packed away I went down stairs with my bags "Hey star I'm ready to go" I told her.

         Once we had a heartfelt goodbye with my parents we then walked through the portal and in to stars room where eclipsa was waiting for us.

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