Chap.6 working with other trainees

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Marci's P.O.V
2 and a half months till the blood moon ball

     I woke up from a wonderful dream of me and Tom when I heard knocking on my door and star yelling "Marco are you up yet". "Yea I'm up now," I said while getting up and getting dressed "can I come in" "no I'm not fully dressed yet," I said.

     Once I was fully dressed though I walked to the door and opened it "now you can anyway do you need anything" I asked her wondering what she needed so early in the morning. "Well, I wanted to hang out with you and talk to you about something important" "oh well sorry I can't help you right now I have training," I told And it was true I did have Knight training today.

    "Oh well that's ok we can just hang out some other day I don't want to get in the way of your training," she said though when she said it. It kinda looked like she was trying to seem like it wasn't bothering her even though I could tell it was I just said: "well see ya later star".

I then started walking to the training room once I got there I changed into my training outfit which just was some sweat pants and a sleeveless shirt along with my tennis shoes. Once I changed I walked out to see Sir Lancelot my teachers "oh good you're here now Marco we have a few new trainees so could you run them through the warm-up drills" he asked me. "Sure sir I can do that" I then walked over to them.

"Hello, I'm Marco what's your names," I asked the group the first one to answer was a girl with mid-back long black hair, blue eyes, dark skin and she was wearing shorts and a T-shirt said, "hi I'm lucky fruitful". Once she spoke up the other started saying there names the next person was a short but skinny girl with long platinum blonde hair that was in a high ponytail she also had stormy grey eyes.

        She also had clear tan skin that came from being in the sun a lot "hey I'm Bridget Harlow also don't underestimate me because I'm small I'm a reverse vampire" she told us meaning she was stronger In the sun and would never harm a human or mewmen she also was wearing a red sleeveless crop-top and black leggings.

        "Hi I'm Hector Ludwig I'm a werewolf," said the tall guy with obvious mussels he was wearing a light blue shirt with black shorts he had messy dark brown hair and pricing blue eyes. He also had pale skin and looked like he had a few freckles around and on his nose. Soon the three new trainees were finished introducing themselves I then had them fallow me to the warm-up section were we stretched.

Once everyone had stretched we then walked outside where we ran laps we did a few laps before taking a breather we then went own to sit-ups and push-ups. Once we were down with them we took a water break then went back inside were it was time for our actual training for this we would be split into groups one group was for hand to hand combat, another for sword fighting, and one other for archery we would switch and learn about all of it.

Me and the new trainees were in the hand to hand combat group so I help teach them because I'm really good with this type of combat, after all, I'm amazing at karate. The teacher after evaluating their skills spilt us up into sparing groups me v.s lucky and hector v.s Bridget once we were in our pairs we started fighting me and lucky neither of us were winning cuz we kept ether blocking or dodging every hit to the other.

It was also the same could also be said for Bridget and hector because both of them were equally strong but it seemed that Bridget would soon win. Why because she small and fast and also because the sun was shining right on her making her even stronger. Soon as I predicted Bridget did win she used her speed to dodge his punch then used both that speed and her extra strength to knock him down in a single hit.

So it was now back to mine and lucky's fight we were still evenly matched and I couldn't see any weak spots on her so I don't know what to do. But somehow she ended up landing a punch that I didn't see coming and soon after that she was able to pin me down. "Good job lucky not everyone would be able to pin Marco here down your one of the very few who can," the instructor said to her. And what he said was true not many can actually pin me down meaning along with my magic I will be a very strong princess after lucky help me up I checked the time.

After I did though our top Instructor told us it was time for lunch "Hey Marco you wanna come and eat with us" lucky asked me. "no sorry I can't because I usually eat lunch with queen eclipsa and after that I have other training to do for personal reasons" I told them "but hey maybe tomorrow I can I don't have extra training then" after I said that there faces Immediately brightened up in the prospect of maybe hangout with me tomorrow.

       "See ya guys tomorrow" I said before walking away to o take a shower before I have lunch with eclipsa while I walked away I could hear them yelling bye to me. I soon got to my room where I took a shower and changed after that I walked down to the dining room were I saw eclipsa,globgor, and meteora "Hey" I said while walking up to them. "Oh why hello Marco" eclipsa said in reply while meteora wiggled out of her moms arms and jumped into mine "why hello to you to meteora" I said in a little bit of a baby voice to her.

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